Friday, July 13, 2007

A Change of Pace

Holy shit I was planning on changing things up a bit and writing a NOT depressing blog post. But I'm watching this documentary about pigs and it really brought me down. I still love bacon to death though.

I was on vacation this week. It was nice. I really hate working! Seriously hate working. And it's not just because I hate my job....with a bitter passion. I really just want to do my own thing. but then again who the hell doesn't?

Anyway I spent a couple days zooming around on Lake Ontario. It was fun. There are some amazing huge and beautiful homes along the waterfront. Lucky bastards. What did they do to earn their huge moneys? How can I do the same? I need one of those lightbulb moments. I've never had one. Have you?

I am however creating a website. Details will come but really it's just for fun and I don't really expect much from it. I'm looking forward to adding the content.

I saw the new harry potter movie that day it opened. In fact one of my bestest friends and I spent two days watching the previous movies in preparation for the newest addition. I have to say it is by far my favorite so far. I really had low expectations for it because it's the largest book so far. So there was much more to cut out of the movie. It was well done.

You know I really don't have anything cheery to write about. I'm not in that state of cheery mind lately.

One thought though, the other day when driving to Lake Ontario I saw some dude walking along the sidewalk to wherever he was going. I'm sure he's a really nice guy but why oh WHY must you walk around in a sweater with your hood up? You look like total SKETCH. Way to scare the crap out of people and make them give you a wide berth when walking by. He looks like one of those police sketches of someone who robbed a corner store. So...why do people do that? YOU LOOK SKETCHY!!

I'm thinking of getting some shirts made. I can't wait. Finally I've come up with my first design. When I get it made I'll post some pics. But really it's an inside joke so no one will find it funny except for me and one other.

Anyway there's my attempt at a non-depressing post.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, Rocks!! I still love you no matter what. Thatnks for responding to my last blog -- you put it nice and clear. This post wasn't depressing at all. In fact, I laughed. People who walk around with their hoods up ARE sketchy! Freaks.

1:05 AM  

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