My Long Weekend
For those of you who don't know this past weekend was a long weekend for us in Canada. My whole weekend was used up on my best friend's wedding. I definitely learned a few things about myself this weekend.
1. I can NOT handle being around couples for any length of time. I really hit my breaking point this weekend. If you're not single you just can't understand what it's like. I was surrounded by "love fucks" as I call them. They're in love and they're fucking annoying. You know who I'm talking about. those rather new couples who just can't keep their hands to themselves and who insist on that lovey dovey type talk to each other that is really quite sickening to people around them. I'm sorry, it's not cute. Not only are you not cute but you alienate single people around you. AND THEN you wonder why your single friends don't want to hang around you and your other. My best friend and her new husband get a pass since they just got married but the other two couples don't. It was annoying and by the Monday I had to get out. I made my appearance and ran. I was close to losing it. Seriously. After Friday, Saturday and Sunday of that love fuck shit I'd had it.
I realized I NEED my single friends. I think i'd go crazy without them. Then I realized my single friends are slowly dwindling down to nothing. I wonder if there's some sort of network of single people who just want friends who are unattached. I'd join if there were. No offense to people who've found someone but you're seriously annoying. You make your single friends feel like the 3rd, 5th, 7th wheel. Now there are exceptions. These exceptions are couples who've been together so long they're glad to have friends who they can see without their "other". Those people I can handle and quite enjoy. They've usually been married for many years and the novelty has worn off. Also, there's the people who are just awesome couples that don't totally hang off each other and really don't make you feel like the 3rd wheel. Those couples are hard to find. If you find one DON'T LET THEM GO!
Don't get me wrong I'm extremely happy for my bestest friend and her husband. They're perfect for eachother. I'm sure they'll be happy for the rest of their lives. I'm honored to be included in their wedding day. but I think those of you who are single know what I'm talkin about.
what else did I learn? Hmm... OH I learned that I can really surpass my comfort zone and it ends up being worth it in the end if it makes someone important to you happy. A big thing for me is that I HATE wearing dresses. I like dresses on other people, but on me I hate them. For the wedding I wore one. I'm still pretty pissed about the fact that I had to shell out a crap load of money for some stupid dress I'll NEVER wear again. That was a huge thing for me. I was extremely uncomfortable wearing this dress. It kind of ruined my night and the whole experience actually. But it made my friend so happy so it was pretty close to worth it in the end. I still would have looked awesome if I didn't wear a dress and I'm pretty sure I would have looked even better than in a dress because I would have been comfortable in it. But oh well, i'll never do it again. And if my friend should happen to ask once more I'll say fuck you, dresses aren't me and if you don't like who i am then you're not the greatest friend in the world. But seriously the wedding was awesome, i got a lot of comments about my speech. I thought it sucked but apparently according to others it was great. The food was amazing, the people were great, the bar was open (FREE). Best of all I'm sure this was the happiest day of my friend's life...until she has kids, and I was there to witness it.
I also learned that it takes WAY less time in the sun to get fucking burned to a crisp. Man i spent MAYBE 2 hours in the sun and i was burnt. stupid ozone layer. I'm sure there will be a time we can't even go out without some sort of protective suit on. I'm also sure it will be at a time I'm not alive, so I don't really care.
I think I learned more but I'm so tired, I had a few glasses of wine and no one really cares since barely anyone knows about this blog anyway. So let me know about your weekend so I'm not totally bored when I go to work.
I hate those couples, love fucks is a great name for them.
I went bowling the other night with my brother and on the next lane there were some love fucks! Just making out right on their lane, it's hard to bowl when people are being so fucking annoying. I think it's a very rude and inconsiderate thing to do.
I've been married almost two years now, my husband is the kiss in public type, but I am not! So I've gotten him to knock it off when we're around other people hanging out. Now we're the cool fun couple to be around.
Over the weekend I learned that eating too much sugar does not actually cause sugar diabetes. So all these years of feeling guilty about all the candy I eat was all for nothing.
I don't mind love fucks too much, they're rare anyway. What I don't like are those people who always want to hug you when they see you. Especially the ones who jump on you and wrap their legs around you and cling to you. Very uncomfortable in public man. What do you call those prople? Huggie fucks?
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