A Change
Today I had the urge to clean up my room. I could barely get to my bed from the door. it was pretty bad. I'm not even half way done. I stopped because i was hungry and bored. i hate cleaning. I also found some pictures of my grandma and me when i was little. that put a damper on things. I miss her. I miss hearing her stories, even if she told them over and over again.
I also decided to rip a bunch of things off my wall. they've been there for at least 5 years. I also decided that i am sick of sleeping on a makeshift bed which consists of a box spring and a mattress. I'm going to get my bed re-upholstered. If no one will help me or they are too damn lazy which is most likely the case, then i'll figure it out and do it on my own. I'll research it if i have to because i'm sick of not having a real bed to sleep on. Actually. i don't care but it pisses me off how the mattress slips and slides off the box spring. that's what i'm sick of. My birthday is almost here and last year my parents bought me the fabric to redo my bed...it still isn't done.
i don't usually tell people about my birthday. sometimes i'll tell people if i think they'll forget. but as a general rule no one is allowed to know. it is pissing me off that some people are finding out when it is. i don't get how. someone must be spilling the beans. I don't like people knowing because it's not a big deal. so i was born on that day...who cares. so i lived for another day, big whoop. i don't like people to make a bid deal out of it. i havn'te decided what i want to do this year. most likely nothing. probably a dinner at some restaurant with my parents. that will sum it up. maybe one day i'll think of something cool to do for my birthday. or a friend will get fed up with my lack of enthusiasm for my birth and kidnap me to some fun event.
That sounds like fun. i think i might do that for a friend. wouldn't that be fun to plan? some surprise weekend where you kidnap your friend who isn't allowed to know what's going on? good times.
I went to kareokee with janice and her husband saturday night. it was quite amusing. i haven't laughed that hard in ever. i reallly can't remember the last time. most likely it was with one of my bestestes but anyway it was hilarious. I got her to go up a couple times. she was so bad. not even a little bit good. one time she was a line behind the song. so funny. her husband and i burst out laughing. it was priceless. we're going to do it again whenever they're doing kareokee again there. i'll be sure to remember to bring the video camera.
then there was the goldschlager. i bought her a shot. she said she liked cinnamon hearts. the look on her face as it slid down her throat will forever be imprinted in my memory. that feeling you get in your stomach after you've laughed incredibly hard. where it feels like you did some serious ab work. a great night indeedly!
how was your saturday night?
oh god, my room is a mess and i REALLY, REALLY don't want to clean it, but i do want to clean it?(i'm getting annoyed with it)
i've never re-upholstered anything or else i'd try to give you some advice, sorry :( good luck though. i think it's like anything new, akward at 1st but you'll get the hang of it.
ok, the b-day thing, i love it when people know my b-day. i'm all about b-days; i think they're more important than any other holiday, just my opinion. since i have no clue when your b-day is, but you've said it's close, happy birthday.
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