Shit Flies in Chunks of Three
I'm still around and boy have I got some shit to share. So everyone says the bad comes in threes, I'm starting to believe. So here's the scoop:
1. To start things off my parents drop on me they want to move pretty far away from where we are now. I live with them to save money because when I move out I'd prefer to move out to something half decent instead of a shit hole. So that sucks but I can deal. It would be nice to be on my own. So it sucks but it's ok. I have a pretty good paying job and I had recently received a raise so I figure I can do it.
2. I get layed off. The company I work for folds and I have no job. This was a huge surprise to everyone as we thought this company was a sure thing. I'm kind of glad I don't work for this company anymore because it was a shit company with shitty leadership and I have no doubt that because of shitty leadership the company fell. But anyway I'm layed off, and have to move.
3. I'm playing soccer in an attempt to stay somewhat active. So at one of my soccer games not even a month after getting layed off a girl comes in and slide checks me and both breaks my leg and dislocates my ankle. This in itself was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. I started screaming before I even hit the ground. I'm whisked off to the hospital in an ambulance where I am awake while they relocate my ankle which was also extremely painful. Then the next day I go into surgery. And guess what? I'm awake for that too. With a blue sheet infront of my face I can hear them drilling screws into me. Luckily I didn't feel this as I had a spinal which was also laced with morphine. It took me hours just to wiggle my toes. So this was my first time breaking a bone, my first time in an ambulance, my first surgery and my first catheter. What a great time for firsts.
So now I'm jobless and couldn't work if I had a job. I have to rely on my mom to do just about everything for me. I'm on crutches for awhile. I have a doctor's appointment on the 6th so we'll see what he says. I do know that I have to get 2 of the 10 pins or screws taken out of my ankle. So that sucks. I also have a large metal plate in my leg as well. I'll have to ask if I'll set off the metal detectors at the airport.
As you can see my life is shit right now. It's all I can do to stay remotely positive. I can't shower without my mom being there. I can't get food for myself when I'm hungry, I can't do laundry, clean or anything. I would have rathered I broke my arm instead of my leg. When you break an arm at least you can still walk and still have a good arm. When you break a leg yes you still have a good leg but it's like you only have a leg because your arms now become like another leg because of crutches. I can't carry anything. Basically I can't be left alone for long periods of time. So that's my life right now. What about yours?
Labels: broken bones, invalid, moving, surgery
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