Friday, February 22, 2008

2008 First Post

Wow, it's almost March and this is my first post. How embarassing!!

I got a new laptop, it's an Acer. I hate more things about it than i love. for example the left shift key is the same size as a regular letter key. So I'm always hitting the second key they added. why in HELL would you mess with the shift keys? I mean of all keys you mess with one of the keys people use most and people are so used to having a certain way. it's actually really hard to use it the way it is. no one uses the far left side of the left shift key. or for that matter the far right side of the right shift key. it's just stupid. I HATE YOU ACER YOU WEREN'T CLEVER IN ADDED ANOTHER USELESS KEY I'LL NEVER USE EXCEPT FOR WHEN I HIT IT ACCIDENTALLY! And don't even get me started on how i had to have vista. they literally wouldn't let me have windows. fuckers!! i even tried to wipe the machine and start over and it still wouldn't let me. smart jerks!

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