Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Not Quite a Month

It hasn't quite been a month since i've updated so it's not that bad!

My new years was ass. what about yours? i had an awful migraine. I almost puked from the pain and worst yet i couldn't even drink. what a shitty year 2006 was. FUCK YOU 2006! 2007 is gonna be better. I know it. 7 is the best number has to be better.

I spent the last 10 days cat'sitting for a coworker. I almost died and i kicked her cat. i think the cat still hates me and is holding a grudge. I felt bad. it was an accident. but it wasn't my fault she's practically all black and the lightbulb had literally blown up. i'm pretty sure she stepped infront of me. I think she was trying to trip me.

So after kicking the cat i decided it might be a good idea to change the lightbulb. of course it had to be the light over the damn stairs. thank GOD my friend happened to have a ladder handy. at first i was nervous to fall down the stairs. then when i opened up the light i was nervous of electrocuting myself. the stupid glass of the bulb had somehow separated itself from the metal twisty part. what the hell? how does that even happen? i mean i know when you try to untwist it that can happen but not before...right? quite the i risk killing myself changing a lightbulb or risk killing the cat from my immense weight baring down on her. i decided i'd rather die than kill a friend's pet. at least when you're're dead. but if you kill a friend's animal you have to actually live with that. could you imagine her coming back from her trip to me telling her i stepped on her cat and killed it? how awful. i'll admit a bit commical but still horrible.

well anyway i changed it without killing myself. i was able to use a pair of pliers to get the metal twisty part out.

i quite enjoyed living on my own. it was nice. no one telling me what to do. not having to be considerate of other people. pretty nice. bittersweet really. on one hand i'm saving shit loads of money living at home with my parents, on the other hand i yearn for something different. what's a girl to do? i'm not complaining. the chick i work with lives alone and it sounds fucked up how expensive it is. i'd rather save right now and make sure i don't have to have any roomates. i've had very bad experiences with that and i vowed never again.

I'll leave you all with this question i asked the chick i work with today which she couldn't really answer so hopefully you can:

At which point does afternoon turn into evening? I mean to say, when do you stop saying good afternoon and start saying good evening? She said "when it's dark it's evening" but that would be at different times because in the summer it gets dark much later. so do you agree or have a different answer?


Blogger Beezaleez said...

Cats do tend to stand around at your feet! It's like you attract them!!

I might have said the same thing, when it gets dark. But when I think about it 5pm means evening to me. Cause 4pm is still the afternoon, 5 is almost dinner time, so its evening!

12:10 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

new years sucked ass for me too. it was so boring and i wanted to go to bed at like 9pm. really, i don't see the point of staying up till midnight,it's still gonna be the new year when you wake up the next morning, right?

ok 'bout the question you have-um, i don't know but, i think around 6pm would be considered evening?

hop eyou have a better 2007 :)

12:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey you,
Working retail for so many years, I usually switch "Have a good afternoon" to "Have a good evening" at around four. After that it feels sort of late to say afternoon. Also, use a potato the next time that light bulb thing happens. Shove a potato onto the metal part (or, in some instances, when the bulb is shattered and the metal part is left over), twist, and it'll come off. And yes, the classes I'm taking are part of required curriculum -- there are A LOT to choose from, but they are Gen Ed courses I need in order to transfer to a four year university.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah, I was in bed by 10:30 on New Year's Eve. The partying -- been there, done that. Unless I was taking a cab or partying at home, it's too dangerous, especially in Southern California, where people seem to think they know how to drink and drive. They don't.

10:10 PM  

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