I'm sitting here waiting for my laundry to dry so I can put the next batch in the dryer and go to bed. Lately I've been really tired. I don't know what it is. I don't do anything that would warrent being as tired as I am. I wonder if I have some sort of tired disease. I wouldn't mind that..."I can't come in to work today, I have tired disease."
I'm sitting here wondering what to write. Nothing really happened today that I want to talk about. It snowed. Now it's starting to feel more like winter. I hate winter drivers. It's retarded how some of them drive. The road could be bone drive, white from the salt and they'd still drive like it was slick with wet snow. I think people should just know that I'm coming and get the hell out of the way. If I ever get my hands on a siren I would totally abuse the power. A quick run to the corner store, flip on the siren. A 7 min drive the the liquor store...flip on the siren. That would be me.
I wonder if my laundry is ready to switch over. I wonder if they've thought of a faster way to do your laundry. Why does it have to take so long? Does anyone else hate doing laundry like i do? I'd rather do laundry than the dishes though. I hate doing the dishes. I wonder what it would be like to fly in a helicopter. I've heard it's kind of scary. I wonder what it's like to fly into a cloud. If I could fly like superman I'd always be in the clouds. Do you think it's cold in a cloud? I bet it's at least moist. If I could fly I'd be an ass and write rude comments on the outside of high rise building windows. I wonder how much those window washers get paid. The ones that have to start on the roof and descend down the side of a building. I bet it gets scary up there sometimes when it gets really windy. That would suck being up there working with water and it being cold. I bet you'd feel like you could never get warm. As I'm writing this Sean has commented on my last post. He's cool. Sounds like he'd be a fun person to know. One thing that's great about blogging is meeting new people. One thing that's shitty is they're usually way too far away that you could ever meet them. And would you want to meet them? For all you know they could be a psycho. I wonder how many psychos you meet in your life and never realize it. I'm not saying Sean is a psycho but I could be wrong I dont know. I wonder what it would be like to know everything. Most likely a boring life. Never learning anything new. I wish I was smart. I wish I was passionate about something. I admire those people who are really passionate about something. It's fun to watch them talk about wha they love. I wonder what it's like to be afraid of a lot of things. I wonder if there's something wrong with me that there really isn't anything i'm afraid of. Bugs don't scare me, small spaces don't scare me, germs don't scare me, I'm not a neat freak, rodents dont' bother me, snakes don't scare me, I'm not really afraid of hurting myself....I'll heal. So many people around me have a lot of fears and I really dont' know what that's like. I kind of feel sorry for them. They waste so much energy worrying and being scared. I used to be afraid of public speaking. I would shake and my voice would waver. One day I just decided that it was stupid to be afraid of that and I wasn't going to waste my energy on worrying and being nervous. Instead I would use that extra energy to make a better speach. It worked. I think I'm going to check on my laundry now. I really hate doing laundry.
Yikes...that was ALOT of thoughts all balled up into one post!
I know what you're afraid of....but it's ok, I wont tell anyone!!
I also would like to say its not SAD to be scared of things..it's good to be scared, then like you said with the getting over your public speeking issue, you have something to get over and deal with!
Beez: I don't think you know what i'm afraid of at all!! so there!
VX: It's not that I hate actually doing the laundry i HATE putting it away as do you. And like you i also do not put it away i let it pile up and just grab clean clothes out of the pile.
Thats what YOU think!
And about laundry...I don't mind the doing, I'm the same as you two...Don't mind the washing, drying and folding...it's the putting away that I hate....Mine sits in the hamper for about a week, then it gets put away.
OMg, this post is so random-I love it, seriously.
we still havent seen hardly any snow in brampton and i so hear ya on the whole the way people drive when it's NOT snowing thing-grrrr.you would think that someone would come up with a "turbo wash n'dry machine". i'd rather do laundry any day over dishes. dishes suck ass.in the summer time at the CNE you can fly in a helicopter for 15 min. that would be a good starter ride? the care bears were never cold, and they lived in clouds, so nope-don't think they are cold. at 1st i never though i'd want to meet fellow bloggers cause of the whole psycho thing, but i would totally do it, but in a well populated meeting area for the 1st few times-lol. have fun with the laundry-thank god its not dishes
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