Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Think I Just Might Deserve it

So the 649 is at like 43 million or something right now. I could really use that money. I think after the shitty two years I've had I might deserve it. Or at least a million.

If I had that money I wouldn't do anything as I can't since I'm pretty immobile. But I'd not move. I don't want to move at all. Try moving to a new place with a broken leg. It doesn't work so well.

I'd also start my own company and make a website I've had stuck in my head for awhile now. You know those kind of ideas that keep you awake at night? It's a good idea and as far as I know no one has the same concept as I do. With the 43 million it wouldn't matter if I made money and that wouldn't be the driving factor for measuring success as most sites are. If you have craploads of money you can spend the time and money to focus on quality and the investors and advertisers will come. I think that's where a lot of good sites go down. They try to get it out fast and think that's good enough, then wonder why no one comes to their site and why they have no advertising dollars. I could go on forever...

Anyway I think maybe I deserve it. I'm sure there are tons of people who are in need more than I. But with all the shit I've gone through maybe it's time for something good to happen for once!

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