Myth No More
For a couple years I had heard the term used on occasion. I understood it to be a lion crossed with a tiger. I always just thought it was something stupid people said. And also thought the idea of it was rediculous considering these two animals rarely cross paths and if they did they definitely would not hang out with each other.
If you look at this picture you'll notice the Liger has a mane like a lion but also stripes on its body like a tiger.

What exactly is a Liger you ask? A Liger is a product of a male lion and a female tiger. When full grown a male and female Liger will be larger than both its parents. The Liger is by far the largest cat on the planet. Here is an idea of just how large. The Liger occurs only in captivity as it is highly unlikely these two animals would ever procreate in the wild. It is presumed that the Liger is born sterile, not unlike the mule which is also a hybrid.
It can be 1000 pounds and when standing on its hind feet can reach 12 feet high. I know this sounds a little hard to picture so look at this to give you an idea of just how large this animal is.
That is fucking crazy. Look how huge that thing is. If the roles were reversed and a male tiger and female lion were to mate they would produce a Tigon which is the opposite of a Liger. It only reaches around 350 pounds as opposed to a Liger which can reach 1000 pounds.
Here is a picture showing you the difference between all four cats.
EXCELLENT, a quote from an awsome movie!!!
Hello! Found your blog via comments in Anna Land. Interesting biological tidbit: the growth suppression hormone gene is passed on to offspring from the female in lions, the male in tigers. Since the Liger gets this gene from neither of its parents, it grows abnormally large. Not as sure about the skills & magic genes, I'll have to research those.
Yes I found that too. And oppositely the Tigon gets that gene from both of its parents so it is considered to be dwarflike if you will. Very interesting but also very stupid to create hybrids.
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