Saturday, October 01, 2005

Moving AGAIN

Ok so we recently moved into a new office building not too long the beginning of September. So we moved into this building when it wasn't even done being BUILT. I'm sorry but I just think that's stupid. Half the room wasn't even finished. And I mean like still a concrete floor - no carpets - no ceiling - the building was a warehouse that was converted into an office so 12 foot high ceilings - and no paint on the walls. Pretty stupid if you ask me since we all had to live with the noise coming from there as well as the paint smells and glue smells.

Well now that they're done we have to fucking move around AGAIN. which means i have to fucking pack all my shit up and move it to the other end of the fucking office. As well as move my computer and reset it up and all that stupid ass shit. Only good thing coming from it is the fact that I won't have to be working while i'm moving!!!! OH plus now i won't be sitting at the same place which means i can't see out the window and I'll have absolutely nothing to look out when i'm bored out of my mind.


Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

Oh that's no problem i was just really confused sorry to bring it up. and i understand about the giving your word thing too!

10:23 PM  

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