Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just Another Day

I saw no neck guy this morning when I was driving to work. I couldn't help but feel kinda bad for him. Our new office is a much longer walk to work than the one before. Its probably a 2 minute drive but at least 15 minutes to walk. And who wants to do that in the morning? Not me I'd rather fucking SLEEP! I didn't pick him up though. We'd have probably gotten into a car accident from me staring at the area where his neck is supposed to be.

Psycho chick came into work today to see the new building. Of course she had all negative things to say about the place. She's probably jealous she isn't working here anymore. I'm glad she's not around. I'm a pretty negative person and even I like the new building its so awsome. Our old place was so cramped there were three people to a one person office. Now the offices are so big they look like they SHOULD have two people in them. Anyway glad she doesn't work there she sucks!

I am happy to announce my company has renounced its policy on hiring ugly men and now there is some eye candy. One guy is an exchange of Finland and I could eat him up he's so cute. He sits pretty close to me too so I can often look at him haha. He hasn't noticed me looking at him a lot yet. But it's only the first day so we'll see.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I could take pics of him without him getting extremely suspicious and thinking I'm some Creepy Canadian and telling all his friends about this Creepy Canadian Chick that he had the displeasure of working with. COME ON PEOPLE I NEED SOME HELP HERE!!


Blogger Jerrster said...

Hey Rocksandchairs...

Yeah I saw Samual Jackson on Jon Stewart the other night and he was really down on the American Red Cross and I was upset that he was knocking it and claiming the money would be used to pay some bureaucrat somewhere in Washington....I hope that isn't true. I was impressed that he went down and bought a bunch of people lunch...but where will he be 2 months from now or 2 weeks even....I think the RED CROSS is in for the long giving to them seems fine to me.

thanks for stopping by my blog...I got you linked

1:49 PM  

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