So another few hours of researching cities brought up another strange animal.
I was reading about this city and they had on one of the web pages that people come from around the world to hunt this animal which is called a chukar. now I was thinking wtf is that. Did they not catch the spelling mistake? So of course I had to run a google image search on it.
this is a chukar:

so when I see this bird I think to myself it MUST be the thief of the bird family. It just has to. I mean look at it. it has that band of black across its eyes, I think its hiding something. And look at the eyes. What's with that red band around its eyes? Its pretty weird looking. And its legs just look like they're made for running. running away with other birds' possessions.

I think this is one of their monthly thief meetings. they come up with their tactics and brag about recent thieving activities. sad. its very sad. i'm surprised to see how organized they are....being birds and all. interesting, very interesting. i wonder how many of there are there. and who took the photo. must not be very smart thieves if they have their meetings out in the open for any tom dick or harry to take a picture of them.

This must be a hired hit dog. Maybe all the other birds were sick of their stuff getting stolen all the time and pooled their moneys together to get rid of the local Chukar. This dog's name is Dax. DAX THE KILLLER. keep this hit dog in mind if you have a chukar problem. i've never heard of them stealing from people but there is always a first time for everything.
On another note the morons in the next cubicle found another retarded thing hilarious and necessary to have a large discussion about it.
One of them said "preface" while talking about something they were doing. then the chick that no one likes said "prefas". so let me start by saying the guy said it like it sounds like preeface and the chick said it like it sounds like prefas. so they starting arguing about how you should say the word. and they all thought it was so funny and weird how people pronounce words. i was sitting there thinking DAMN that saying "small things amuse small minds" really is true. and not just some line a teacher i once had said as a passive aggressive way of telling one of my classmates that they are stupid.
other than that my day was extremely uneventful. on another note i'll have some pics posted up here soon i imagine that will be a very long post as pics take up a large space on blogs. also VX i'll send you some too so dont worry lol. i'm still waiting for my friend to send them to me. i really need to get a camera of my own. i hate relying on other people cuz you always end up waiting forever or they just plain forget or you get let down. its annoying!
I was reading about this city and they had on one of the web pages that people come from around the world to hunt this animal which is called a chukar. now I was thinking wtf is that. Did they not catch the spelling mistake? So of course I had to run a google image search on it.
this is a chukar:

so when I see this bird I think to myself it MUST be the thief of the bird family. It just has to. I mean look at it. it has that band of black across its eyes, I think its hiding something. And look at the eyes. What's with that red band around its eyes? Its pretty weird looking. And its legs just look like they're made for running. running away with other birds' possessions.

I think this is one of their monthly thief meetings. they come up with their tactics and brag about recent thieving activities. sad. its very sad. i'm surprised to see how organized they are....being birds and all. interesting, very interesting. i wonder how many of there are there. and who took the photo. must not be very smart thieves if they have their meetings out in the open for any tom dick or harry to take a picture of them.

This must be a hired hit dog. Maybe all the other birds were sick of their stuff getting stolen all the time and pooled their moneys together to get rid of the local Chukar. This dog's name is Dax. DAX THE KILLLER. keep this hit dog in mind if you have a chukar problem. i've never heard of them stealing from people but there is always a first time for everything.
On another note the morons in the next cubicle found another retarded thing hilarious and necessary to have a large discussion about it.
One of them said "preface" while talking about something they were doing. then the chick that no one likes said "prefas". so let me start by saying the guy said it like it sounds like preeface and the chick said it like it sounds like prefas. so they starting arguing about how you should say the word. and they all thought it was so funny and weird how people pronounce words. i was sitting there thinking DAMN that saying "small things amuse small minds" really is true. and not just some line a teacher i once had said as a passive aggressive way of telling one of my classmates that they are stupid.
other than that my day was extremely uneventful. on another note i'll have some pics posted up here soon i imagine that will be a very long post as pics take up a large space on blogs. also VX i'll send you some too so dont worry lol. i'm still waiting for my friend to send them to me. i really need to get a camera of my own. i hate relying on other people cuz you always end up waiting forever or they just plain forget or you get let down. its annoying!
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