Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My First "Tagging"

oh my goodness my "tagging" cherry has been popped. lucky for me i have a limited number of people who read my blog, and a large number of them don't even have a blog in which they can tag me so i at this point do not hate being tagged. so here it goes.

Four Jobs You Have Had in Your Life

1. Kennel Help (yes i cleaned up shit, bathed dogs, cleaned up shit, got headaches from barking dogs and cleaned up shit)
2. Shipper (i actually liked this job i got to ride around on a liftow all day instead of walking and i'm all for not walking)
3. Barn...Person...i dunno i just cleaned horse stalls
4. Marketing Assistant, this is what i currently do and btw the work i actually do isn't even fucking marketing. they should just call me the girl who does the shit that no one else wants to do but has to be done.

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Practical Magic
2. Steel Magnolias
3. Any of the Harry Potter Movies
4. #3 Counts as many movies but i'll find another hmm...A Night at the Roxbury

Four Places You've Lived
1. Surrey B.C
2. Mission B.C
3. Port Moody B.C
4. Rockwood Ont

Four T.V Shows You Love to Watch
1. Starting Over
2. E.R
3. CSI: Las Vegas
4. Lost

Four Places You've Been On Vacation
1. Mazatlan, Mexico
2. Kamploops
3. Muskoka
4. Algonquin

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Hotmail
2. VX's blog
3. i'm at work i visit our homepage...
4. porn sites....just kidding i couldn't think of another one to put

Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Mashed Potatos WITH Gravy...there has to be gravy
2. Chinese Food, specifically beef and brocoli
3. I love most meat
4. Pickles

Four Places You'd Rather Be Right Now
1. Having sex
2. In My Own Home in the Country
3. hmmm British Columbia with family
4. I dunno not here tho for some reason

Four Bloggers You Are Tagging
1. Roxy
2. Since no one really reads my blog i have no one to tag so...there.

Well there you go. after completing this i have decided i am a boring loser. but i've also decided i don't really care cuz i'm too lazy to remedy the situation. another decision i've made is that i wouldn't mind having a boyfriend. i need something to do outside of the house and i think that would get me out and about...don't you?

Well anyway i'm still really pissed off and i need another rum and coke to drown the anger so i will big you farewell!


Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

roxy? kinda name is roxy you couldn't come up with something better than that?

11:56 PM  

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