Sunday, February 19, 2006

Nice Weekend

In november at my xmas party i won a pair of tickets to see the lord of the rings at the princess of wales theatre and a one night stay at the courtyard by Marriott hotel with a free breakfast. That was saturday night.

I elected to take a friend who loves lord of the rings probably more than i do. What a great idea!!! another plus about taking her is she knows toronto really well and we saved money by taking the subway.

Unfortunately we got lost on the way there so we only had time for a shower and then we had to leave for the show. so we took the subway a few blocks before the theatre and thought it best to walk underground to the theatre instead of outside since it was frost bite cold out.....we got lost. so, we came up to see where the hell we were. ok so we figured it out and we weren't off track.

so we start walking in the direction we THOUGHT was the theatre, we soon find out that we were walking in the opposite direction...we hooked up with a cab. because of the cab we made it to the theatre with ten minutes to spare. enough time for her to grab a quick smoke and to find our seats.

none of us had any idea where our seats were so we went to some chick standing around telling people where their seats were. according to her we had to go to some other guy who told us to go ALL THE FUCKING WAY to the top...the balcony. we get up there and another person tells us where to go. so we go down there and can't find our seats. we make a hole GIANT row of people stand up so we can pass them. we get to the end FINALLY and say fuck it and go back up to one of the fucking morons who told us to go down there in the first place.

what does she tell us????? "oh yoru seats are up at the front on the first floor" HUH WTF DID ALL THOSE MORONS TELL US???? like 3 people all were not able to fucking read our godamed tickets. i'm convinced you have to be illiterate to work at the princess of wales theatre.

Well thanks to no one who works there except for the nice chick who told us we were in the wrong place, we found our seats.

Over all the show was pretty great. I wasn't fond of some of the dialogue changes they made. but again i'm a diehard for the movies. this play was more true to the books which i haven't finished reading. i was however extremely surprised with some of the characters and effects they were able to pull off with just lights, pulleys, props, makeup and so on. very surprised!

The guy who played gandalf managed to piss off me and my friend. he was so annoying. at times he seemed to forget his lines...i don't know if he was pausing for dramatic effect, if so it was lost on me. and when he wasn't forgetting his lines he was literally saying every single line he has as fast as humanly possible. so fast in fact i had a rather hard time making out what he was saying. most times he really just ended up pissing me off.

the guy who played gollum was annoying too. he looked like he was having multiple seizures all the time. HELLO did you not see the movies? gollum wasn't all fidgety like that, get a clue. you'd think these actors would research A BIT.

Those annoying things aside it was a great experience. i've never been to a production like that and dont think i ever will again. and if i do i dont think i'll ever have such awsome seats...we were about 10 rows from the stage. it was pretty sweet.

we left, walked to union station so i could see what it looks like, went back to the hotel and had pizza and ended up staying up way too late catching up and just talking. it was really great. not something we've done in awhile and something i've been missing. so on all levels it was a great weekend. i wish it wasn't so damn cold. that was bad!!!


Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I dont' know a damned thing about lord of the rings... not the books, movies, and certainly not plays. There are so many hard-core fans though, I feel like I should check it out. I have the books right here, but I started blogging I hardly read anything else!

7:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

There's a lot of Hobbit fans at my work. I have to log into two computers called Gollum and Elrond everyday. One of the guys married a girl he met at a D&D convention. She actually looks like an Elladan...

12:00 AM  
Blogger M said...

I voted for you !!!!!
I voted for you !!!!!
I voted for you !!!!!

6:58 PM  

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