Thursday, February 09, 2006

Always MOVING!!

Its been brought to my attention that i havn't posted in awhile so i guess i'll post.

I also just noticed that my last post was my 50th SO HAPPY 50TH TO MEEEEEE.

Now down to bidnis: i was moved to another godamed spot, this is my fourth move in this godamed building. yes i'm annoyed. i hate unplugging all my computer wires and going in and out from under the desk. its annoying and something i'd rather not do.

They had to re-arrange some stupid cubicles that my desk was attached to so i was promptly moved out of the way. nice!

this was on.....oh i guess it was on tuesday. so nice birthday present to me. i get to work to find all my shit not where its supposed to be. assholes.

then today i was informed i could move back and to pick where i wanted to sit since there's a bunch more desks where my one desk once was. oh well i guess i can milk it for half an hour of not writing about nursing homes.

ya you heard me...nursing homes. did you know that most people search about nursing home abuse? that's fucked up. no one really searched about finding a good one, they want to know about all the abuse that goes on in them. nice world we live in.

In other news i just realized today that i sit across the aisle from no neck guy. THANK GOD i can't actually see him from my desk. i'd get nothing done because i'd be staring at his absence of neck. poor guy, i wonder if he can turn his head or if he has to move his whole upper body just to look a little to the left. you know like those people who wear those wiplash collars. haha i'm laughing just picturing it. i'd feel pretty bad if he actually had some sort of condition that made his neck that way..........for a bit then i'd just keep staring. I CAN'T HELP IT. i need help! isn't that the first step...admitting you have a problem?


Blogger Beezaleez said...

I see that I've been left out of the blog world...

Sucks that you get moved so much though...maybe one day it will end!

8:15 PM  
Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

huh what the hell are you talking about?

8:58 PM  
Blogger M said...

cubicles are evil...

9:32 AM  

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