Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Last night was one of those nights where you just lay there trying with all your might to just fall asleep but your brain won’t let you. Your body is tired but your brain isn’t ready to sleep just yet. It was awful. I hate nights like that. You can’t make your brain stop thinking. I was really tired too.

One of the many things that flashed through my mind was a question:

Do you ever wish people would just give up on you so you weren’t continually disappointing them? I mean what do they expect from you anyway? I just think it would make things a lot easier. If they don’t expect anything from you, anything they do get is a nice surprise. And who doesn’t enjoy a nice surprise? I know I do!

I see myself more and more becoming one of those shut-ins that never really go out except when it’s essential. No friends, family once in awhile but basically no human contact. Sometimes I think that would be great. People really annoy me so much and often piss me off. Why are people so STUPID and ANNOYING?

I think I have an anger problem. Seems like just about anything and everything can set me off. I get so mad, sometimes at stupid things. Some days nothing can get to me, others someone saying hello can piss me off. What’s with that?

Maybe it’s the things I’ve left unsaid. I leave a lot unsaid. Both good things and things that need to be said but I don’t have the energy to say them and deal with the response that inevitably comes. I suppose it’s not really a good thing considering I could die at lunch time when I go out to buy something to eat. Think about the things you just don’t say you know you should but there’s some reason you don’t. Whether you don’t have the guts to say it or you don’t want to hurt someone’s STUPID feelings. I know I have left many many things unsaid with a lot of people. Some of it I would want them to know before I died, some of it I suppose could be left unsaid. But anything I don’t say whether positive or negative I still want to say. That’s the problem these days, people are way too sensitive. What’s with that? You can’t take the truth? I guess the truth is hard to hear, but you should hear it nonetheless don’t you think?

I’m the type of person who appreciates bluntness. Just be blunt with me. Don’t sugar coat it just tell me like it is. I don’t have the time or the energy to come up with different ways of saying something just so I can cater to your feelings. Ok so there are times when certain things need to be sugar coated but for the most part if you think about it, there really aren’t a lot of occasions. Could you imagine how much easier things would be if we didn’t have to sugar coat every little thing? It would be nice. Or if people didn’t take things so personally? Wow, now that’s my dream world for sure. That and me being married to my Brad Pitt…

Oh and another thing what the hell is wrong with my back? I woke up with this really bad pain in my side and it hurts to walk. That’s just great. It’s always nice to get some mysterious pain from doing nothing. It had better go away I don’t have the patience for something like this today. Back problems are great, the ONE thing that can’t really be fixed ever. Thanks a lot god for giving us bodies that can’t be fixed, its not like I did something stupid and hurt my back IT JUST HAPPENED!!!!


Blogger M said...

Get the book -Letting Go of Anger by Potter-Erfon.

Good book. It lists the 10 most common anger styles and what to do about them. It was given to me by my ex.

2:08 PM  
Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

thanks for the info i might just do that...does that mean you have an anger problem too?

2:11 PM  
Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

UGH thank you. finally someone agrees with me. i agree about the logical thing AND take what i say for what i say and don't look for hidden meanings. all the time i'm always saying "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID" i'm getting sick of it.

I'm always trying to change the way i am so other people are happier, for once i'd like other people to change that about themselves so i don't have to FOR ONCE!

VX i'm pretty sure you and i would never annoy each other. there are just some people you click with who are so much like you but different enought that they don't bore the crap out of you. at least a small few find my anger humorous. that means they don't take it personally.

did that hypnotherapy actually work?

...hey i can still dream about my brad and i finally coming together and tieing the knot can't i????

but seriously now i feel so much better someone finally sees something my way so THANKS!!!

2:52 PM  
Blogger Beezaleez said...

Sometimes telling someone like it is is necessary. And sometimes sparing someone’s feelings IS necessary. I really do think that some things are better left unsaid, and if I must say them I would rather be nice and take some of the bite out of what I’m saying that totally hurt someone’s feelings.

Yes life would be easier without all those people that are so sensitive. But the reality is they aren’t going anywhere! SOME are more sensitive than others, and they are always going to be that way! Stop asking WHY they are the way they are, and just accept them.

And just for the record, EVERYONE changes themselves a little to suit friends. Adapting is inevitable! You’re not the only one that’s ever bent over backwards to make someone else happy.

On another note, maybe talking to the actual people that you’re thinking about would be better for your insomnia than complaining to the whole world on here.

AND anger IS a sign of depression, so is isolating yourself…maybe acceptance is a key to getting past something like this.


9:58 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Wow. You hit the nail on the head with this post. Right down to the mysterious back pain. Just woke up with mine this morning. Feels like some one hit me in the right side of my back with a chair in a bar fight. Cuz that happens ALOT to me. But this time it didn't.

AND if it HAD happened it woulda' been a fight I started because people couldn't take my bluntness. I hear you man, I hear you.

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. I'm an introvert myself. I spend a lot of time indoors, avoiding people. I even work parttime so I don't have to deal with people's shit too often.

Maybe you have a kidney stone.

12:07 PM  

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