Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Blue Penguin

I am happy to report the blue pengin is on its way. What is the blue penguin you ask? well i'll tell you. The blue penguin is my parents' basement. I live there. I have decided I'm going to clean it up and make it like an actual apartment down there. I'm sick of having no where to entertain friends if i should happen to once in a blue moon have one over.

My friend and i ALWAYS name things so i decided it needed a name. before that stupid sad ass movie "march of the penguins" came out i totally wanted a penguin so that's where the penguin part comes from. and blue is my fav color so naturally it fits. plus i wanted a name for it that made no sense which it really doesn't so THERE.

I even have a logo for the blue penguin. i stole the linux penguin and made it blue. i have an awsome one of the penguin lying on some floating thing with a drink in its hand. SCORE! it really doesn't get better than that! After i have the blue penguin set up KT and i are going to go out and steal letters from those signs people have to spell out "the blue penguin" i even have the perfect spot to hang them in the basement.

I'm really looking forward to getting this done. today i spent most of my time organizing my shit that was dumped there. My parents seem to think that most of the crap piled up is mine...well i'm here to tell you it fucking isn't. i'm going to get ALL my shit out of there and say YO GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT OUT OF THERE I WANT TO TURN THIS SPACE INTO SOMETHING USABLE BITCHIS! ( i meant to spell bitchis with an 'i'". quite a lot of the crap dumped there is theirs NOT mine. i just informed my parent they should start thinking about doing something with all their shit they dumped in the basement. i got a head shake from my mother which means something like she doesn't believe me, or what a bitch or something like that. that annoyed me but whatever.

I made the fatal rookie mistake when concockting a drink for myself this evening. i poured the alcohol into the glass before checking to see if there was mix. i thought there was but some person in this household finished it off so i was left with raspberry vodka and raspberry sourpuss in a glass with no mix. what was i to do? why improvise of course. i poured orange juice into it. not bad but i would have prefered my usual 7-up/sprite.

at 3pm today i injected raspberry vodka into an orange by way of a syringe left over from my dog almost dying. of course i sterilyzed it to get rid of the valium first. right now its 6:45 and i think i might wait to eat it after dinner as a desert. i hope its good. i don't know if i did the injecting right. i injected it all over the orange. should i have done it in the same hole everytime? i dont know we'll see. I've also done the whole watermelon and vodka thing as well. it was awsome. i highly recommend it for a summer bbq. what you do is get a seedless watermelon and cut a hole in it for the bottle opening of your alcohol. i used raspberry vodka and it was divine. but i'd also like to try other flavors. so you cut a hole in the top so you can insert the bottle. i suggest half a micky to start so there's no spilling. pour half the mickey out and save it for later. what you do is flip the bottle ever so carefull so as not to spill and insert it into the hole. you leave the bottle for however long it takes for the vodka to soak into the watermelon. at least 3 hours! so don't sit there waiting for it all to pour into the watermelon. then depending on the size of the watermelon you can use the rest. if you want to get wasted i suggest you eat the watermelon that was closest to the hole. that stuff is wicked potent. i didn't like it because it was too strong. but we all have different tastes.

that whole episode with my dog has costed me around $660. OUCH. not cool but she's alive so its worth it. next time a get a dog i will put away every paycheck $20.00 for such emergencies. this is the first time i've had one with her and she's 10 years old so assuming i'm being paid bi-weekly for 10 years that would be $ is my math right that's a fucking crazy amount of money. well whatever i've been drinking and can't be held accountable for my mathing. but still if i would have done that from the beginning (which i coudlnt' because i was 12 when i got her) it wouldn't sting so much. but next time. and i'm totally telling anyone this bit of advice if they're thinking about getting a dog. which reminds me i need to research dogs that don't shed which are medium sized for mildred. that should be interesting.

ok i'm tired of typing and i need to flip through my dog books so i'm gonna go now.


Blogger Unknown said...

The basement, eh? At least it's space to yourself. I remember renting a room in a house with five other people. That sucked. Hard. Do you have to pay rent? If not, I'm jealous. Don't get me wrong, I love my Keith, but sometimes, just SOMETIMES, I wish I had a little space to myself!

11:44 AM  
Blogger Beezaleez said...

I wish I had a Blue Penguin...One day, ONE day!!

So When I get a dog what kind of dog should I get? What Breeds do you recommend?!? Or WAIT what are your TOP 5 FAVOURITE BREEDS???? I want a list! so get on it!

11:46 AM  

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