Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I decided I'm totally against smoking. After the day i've gone was the last straw. before i was indifferent. it wasn't something i'd do, i always thought it was stupid and repulsive but i was never really against it. people could do whatever they wanted with their bodies.

Now i've had enough. smoking is so fucked up i don't even think people realize how fucked it is. and the hilarious thing about smoking is that smokers have the dumbest reasons as to why they started in the first place. like at least have some good story about why you're addicted to something where you'll eventually either die a painful demoralizing death or survive the worst thing you'll ever go through...honestly!!

today i had to clean up 10 years of 3 packs a day nicotene stains from all surfaces of my grandmas appartment. NOT COOL! it totally sickened me! it made me so happy i wasn't a moron and started smoking. if you're a smoker i don't even care if this offends you because it should. STOP SMOKING. i've had to watch a close friend go through cancer from smoking a large part of her life away. it was so awful. the radiation alone is enough to make you turn away from your loved one. people who go through that have to be really strong individuals. and then my grandma getting lung cancer and then brain cancer. in the end she couldn't move her legs cuz of the cancer in her brain and she had the mentality of a child. wtf kind of way is that to die?

ok so set aside how horrible a death smoking gives you. since that never seems to work with smokers. i don't think they get how bad it really is. so set that aside, its almost as bad for your loved ones to have to WATCH YOU GO THROUGH THAT. i don't think anyone ever thinks of that. they just think oh its my life blah blah blah, but seriously do you expect your family and friends to just not be around and care that you're fucking cancer ridden from smoking? its really harsh and self centered to think that. and you know most smokers are like that.

well let me tell you first hand its not a nice feeling to have to sit there and watch someone you love go through such a terrific amount of pain which essentially they brought on themselves. sure you can get cancer when you don't smoke but lets face it most people get it from smoking. its just so awful. and really they're addicted to the habit...not the nicotene since it leaves your body so fast.

smoking is such a sad thing. i'm done i can't deal with it anymore. i won't tolerate it around me either. janice smokes so that will be interesting. i feel bad for people who have parents who smoke. that must suck. if that was me i'd be worried all the damn time about cancer. you don't have to be old to get it.

oh and i almost forgot. what the hell do you think that smoke does to pets? i've also seen how awful it is for the pets who get the cancer too. but people just kill their pets yet they put themselves through the radiation and kemo...interesting people won't put their pets through the horror of cancer treatment but they'll do it themselves. poor animals could have most likely lived longer but their bastard owners had to be selfish and put them through a life of tainted breathing air.

ya i'm bitter and this is a bitter rant but i don't care no one really reads this blog anyway so anyone who doesn't like it can fuck off!

but alas no amount of words anyone says can make a smoker quit they must decide to do so on their own...


Blogger Unknown said...

I started smoking 2 years ago to get chicks. A year ago, some chick noticed I was not inhailing and taught me how to do it right--damn her.

I hate it. I had decided to quit on Aug 3rd, that's this Friday. You're post just reinforced my determination to quit. I'm going to celebrate by eating a cake and banana split. I can't wait!!!


5:15 AM  
Blogger Beezaleez said...

I agree with you fully...My granny and my aunt both used to smoke, they both quit and havent touched another cigarette since..That was something like 10 years ago!

I HATE the idea of loosing someone to something that could have been prevented.

Hey...Just wanted you to know, I miss ya...and hope you're alright!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Rocks! On your soap box again. LOL. I'm teasing. You're right, though. I'm no smoker, but Keith is. And my whole family. How I avoided this fate, I don't know. Anyway, the weather on my outing to Pride was great. Overcast, cool, no sun to burn my sensitive skin. Hope your day goes well!

9:54 AM  
Blogger M said...

Right there with you Rocks. I have never once smoked. NEVER even held a cigarette to my lips, all thanks to my mom who was and is a smoker. I havent been around my mom in close to 10 years, but do you have any idea how mad I am that SHE submitted ME, as a child to that ? I worry every day that the decisions she made as a mom and as a smoker will still have an impact on me in the future.

I cannot stand to be around people that smoke and I make sure on an almost daily basis to teach my son how unhealthy and deadly it is.

8:39 PM  

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