Friday, August 19, 2005

No Neck

Yesterday I was sitting here just minding my own business working when a guy who works here walked past. I work pretty close to the front door so I often get a lot of traffic. But the thing about this guy was that he literally had no neck. And not the kind of “no neck” that body builders have which is also creepy looking. But the kind where someone really doesn’t have a neck. It seriously looked like someone chopped off his head, then chopped off his neck and then re-attached his head to the no neck area. Very creepy. I wonder how that happens. Like did he grow in the womb and get banged around so much that his neck just didn’t form? Maybe his mom was in a car accident and his head hit head on with the side of her womb and compacted the neck so much that it just never recovered. I don’t know but I hope I don’t see that guy again because I know I’ll just stare at him because it really does look odd. DON’T YOU MISS YOUR NECK? I guess not since you've probably lived your whole life like that.


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