Word of the Day
WOTD:Machiavellian (mak-ia-vel-ian) elaborately cunning; scheming; unscrupulous
Are you machiavellian? Do you want to be known as machiavellian? I am in fact I have it on my business card. People often ask me what it means, i just smile and say wouldn't you like to know. then i do this really creepy laugh and just walk away.
one time i introduced myself to someone by saying "hi my name is jane doe and i'm highly skilled in the machiavellian area, so watch your back." it was followed by a weird look, i turned and walked away. the rest of the night i coninually got strange looks from numerous people.I'm pretty sure no one knew what it meant. but i thought i'd play on it and started telling people it meant different things. one person i told them it meant that i design machines. no one even asked what machines they just nodded like they knew what i was talking about.
another person i said it means i have a phobia of macaroni. i said that i faint anytime i see just one piece of macaroni. the chick was so sad for me she even gasped. she gave me the number of a therapist...
another time i said it was what i majored in...they nodded in agreement. like they knew what the course was all about.
ok so none of that actually happend, how machiavellian of me!
today it was implied that i have to go to trade shows. i'm not really looking forward to it. yes you get to go to cities like las vegas, new york, boston, san francisco, san jose, but it means standing on concrete for 8 hours. i have a really bad lower back so that will be murder. i think i'm going to need to go shoe shopping too. one pair of shoes i wear frequently are not good for standing around for long periods of time. SHIT.
plus you're so dead tired from your whole day of talking to stupid people that you are not able to go and see the sights. plus seeing the sights costs money which i don't have! i know for sure we get money for food but i'm not sure what else. i'm not really looking forward to it. i'd rather spend the week at the office without my boss around. that would be sweet. maybe boring since i can't just walk up and ask her to give me something to do.
make sure you use machiavellian today!!!
"I think was is?" Where the hell did I get THAT from? It should be 'I think WHAT is...." Duh, Sean.
That's AWSOME you actually use that word even though you dont know what it means. When i read it i was like i've never even HEARD of that name.
my last WOTD was Munificent and i'd never heard that one used either. then later that day i was reading a book by emily carr and the word was used and i was elated because i actually knew what it meant!!
I am such a machiavellian bitch.
Heheheheheh, was that good ???
That was more than good it was AWSOME
My sister is a Mac.
What I love is the fake fear of macaroni you came up with. Art. That is art.
I think I will try it. Yes, I will even make cards for it.
Sooo looking forward to it.
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