Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Good Kind of Hug

As i was watching my taped episode of starting over today i was relieved to see that kim is graduating. i was starting to get sick of her and quite frankly she was very rude at kelly's graduation ceremony.

anyway christie was upset about her leaving as she feels very close to her. Rhonda (a life coach) was hugging her. it was one of those big, wrap your arms around the person so tight, holding them, rocking them, and just consoling them kind of hugs.

those are my favorite. It made me think...when was the last time i had one of those? i truely can't remember. I'm talking years here. its sad considering hugs are so easy to give. but then how do you go about it if you want one? i mean you can't just keep hugging cuz you get that awkwardness when the one person starts to pull away and you just keep holding on for dear life. And i can't ASK for one since i have a huge problem with asking for things for myself. quite the dilema. i think its just one of those things that...happen. there's no planning..actually i guess that's not true some of those types of hugs i've given were totall planned on my part. sometimes someone just needs to be held in someone's arms, to feel that someone cares about them, to just sit (or stand) knowing that somoene is there...its a nice feeling.

I think that if i was to get one anytime soon i'd probably cry. I'm not really sure why but the first thought that came to me is i'd probably just break down and have a cry. mostly because that NEVER happens and a hug like that would most likely trigger one. i'm not a fan of crying and definitely not infront of people.

I guess its just all the stuff that's been building up these last few weeks. sometimes shit juts gets to you, right? oh well you don't receive what you don't ask for. i think someone should just KNOW!


Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

ya...i'm just takes too much work to be so closed and guarded. work wears me out so i don't have the energy to be that way anymore

AND admitting i'd cry and actually crying are WAY different things!

4:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


11:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Put up a new blog already!!!!! I'm WAITING!

2:09 AM  
Blogger Jerrster said...

not wanting to be a goof...but you hear fom VX lately?

2:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Some ideas:
--nut up and hug a friend
--your parents?
--crash a funeral and hug everyone there.
--crash a wedding and hug everyone there.
--sponser a pajama party
--go to a mall, pretend to faint, then when a guy catches you, hug him for saving your life.
--get a job at a Day Care center.
--drive around, find a guy, then fall in love with him...

9:44 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

hey whats going on? where r u? how was california?

5:50 PM  
Blogger Beezaleez said...

Hey Rocks.....UPDATE!!!

Where are you? I can't find you? PLES!!! PLLLEEHHHH!!!!

9:32 PM  

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