Thirteen Things About Me You Probably Don't CARE About
1. A lot of times I have to let my dog into the bathroom with me otherwise she sits there whining, scratching at the door and sometimes barking.
2. My typeing is awsome and Sissy's is just ok
3. Most times I don't tell the people closest to me how much they mean to me and how much i value them.
4. I'm going to San Francisco next week and i'm NOT looking forward to it
5. I under-value myself
6. I don't think of myself very highly
7. I think I'm going to lose a friend and there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it.
8. Tomorrow I'll be moving desks for the EIGHTH FUCKING TIME
9. I'm planning a BIG surprise
10. Matilda (Janice's Kid) told me she likes me but not in a sexy way
11. Right now i'm watching andromeda and it is the lamest fucking show EVER
12. If i was smart i'd be pretty damn rich!
13. I'm going to go shoe shopping again this weekend, my boss totally freaked me out about making sure we have good shoes because tradeshows are extremely painful on your feet.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Vince 2. Beezaleez
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1. my cat does that-quite annoying
3. same here
4. why not?? are you going for work or vacation. i'll go in your place :)
5. same here
6. same here
7. uh, oh -that's sad :(
9. Will u let your blogfriends in on the surprise?
11. Agreeed
13. smart boss.
Whats the big surprise??
AND Andromeda is LAME, I hate it, I used to have to watch it...BUT then I vito'd that show choice!!! lol.
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