Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Old People

I just finished watching my show Starting Over which is on at 10am so i must tape it. its a reality show for women about women. its for those that need guidance. past women in the house had issues such as: trust, getting over a loved one's death, trying to mend broken relationships, weight issues, and so on. pretty much anything. there are two life coaches ronda and iyanla who guide these women and there is a psychologist Dr. Stan.

anyway todays theme was about getting old. and one aspect was that you should have older women in your life. it made me sit and think. i really do have a lot of older women around me. and i love older people. they have some amazing stories to tell, great advice, and life long experience that i just don't have and love the opportunity to learn from. i just love to sit and talk with them. hear about years gone by. great trips they've gone on, places they've been to, mistakes they've made. pretty much anything i'm game for.

now don't get me wrong old people annoy the crap out of me too. for instance their annoying tendancy to drive 20 under the fucking speed limit. GET OFF THE ROAD OR GET OUT OF MY WAY! or the fact that they'll tell you the same story over and over again because they honestly don't ever remember telling you the first or third time. but generally i enjoy them.

i really do think its important to have older women in your life to learn from. that's pretty sad if you don't have that...besides your mother i mean. i have a few interesting older women in my life and i really do enjoy them, sometimes i prefer them to people my own age.

another reason i like the show is with a house full of women there's bound to be a few cat fights. SO FUNNY. oh man i kill myself laughing sometimes at the retarded things women do. i really hope i'm not like that. i'm pretty sure i'm not. i'd like to go on that show and just be a total bitch to everyone. i think that would be funny. i bet i'd get them good ratings! everyone loves to hate at least one person on reality shows. i'm starting to get sick of a couple of the chicks on the show, but there's a board of review today or friday so hopefully the one chick jodie is GONE. they've been there a couple months already and its time for jodie to fuck off i can't stand her anymore. i never really liked her but now i'm just ready for her to be gone!

the newest chick is bethany and two months ago her daughter died in a car accident. it was so sad hearing her story. she's in the house to learn how to move on. i'm wondering if its a bit early and so are most of the people in the house. but i wouldn't know i've never lost a kid....i've never had a kid....

well anyway i'm sure you love reading about a show you've never watched. i should go to bed.


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