Thirteen Things I WONDER
1. I wonder how I'm going to learn how to fly on my own. Like superman. none of that airplane shit!!!
2. I wonder why people think its cool to put euro lights on a fucking CUBE VAN!!!
3. I wonder what the largest number of animals i'll own at one time will be, i bet a lot
4. I wonder how people can handle working at places like the humane society or being animal cops.
5. I wonder when the fuck i'm going to be able to move out of my fucking parents HOUSE
6. I wonder where my life is going to lead
7. I wonder when i'm going to be able to afford my dream worskshop!
8. I wonder when i'm going to get the blue penguin up and running.
9. I wonder what it feels like to punch someone in the face
10. I wonder what it feels like to be in a car that is flipping in the air
11. I wonder what it feels like to be totally free of all my insecurities, inhibitions, worries and retarded things
12. I wonder what it is like to be smart
13. I wonder what it is like to be successful
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Vince 2. Beezaleez
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Gosh, I neglected to do my TT. I wonder why I'm so lazy? I like your wonders. I hope they all turn out wonderful. Except the car flipping thing.
Ah, flipping in the car thing? Not cool. Yes, it really happened to me when I was 18. Well, I hit a telephone pole and flipped back, up and over, does that count? I remember it vividly and you're too worried about surviving to be afraid.
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