Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Clepto ITCH

I have the clepto itch, i havn't stolen anything in a long while. last thing i stole? hmmm could have been a road sign ...yes it must have been. i really like stealing road signs. i have a bunch of them. I think i want to steal one of those sap buckets. i don't really have any use for them but stealing isn't about actually wanting the thing. i actually enjoy stealing retarded things. and really...who couldn't use a little bucket?

i stole a mcdonalds wet floor cone once. it was right by the door and my friends were too pussy to take it. i was like ITS RIGHT BY THE DOOR who's going to notice? and more like it who's going to care its a fucking cone. the thing that sucked was that my car was way on the other side of the parking lot so i felt like i stuck out like a sore thumb running to the car with a fucking bright orange cone. but it was good times and it made us laugh so hard. you know the kind of laugh where you can't breathe and your stomach starts to hurt like hell but you just can not stop lauging.

one time we were skipping school (again) and just driving around town for no particular reason other than we didn't wan to be in school, going to no particular location just driving. then someone got it into their head that we should follow some random car. we all thought it was a good idea and hella funny. so we followed this guy around for a long while.

he started to catch on. he began pulling into more residential streets then out of the blue quickly pulls into what i think was just some random driveway. then we see him throw his head out the window in what i think was an attempt to check out license plate. what does the drive blake do? He fucking pulls into a driveway TURNS AROUND and goes back PAST THE GUY who is still in the driveway staring at us. oh my hell it was hilarious. such good times. that was so funny. then we thought since it was so successful we'd pick another car. this ended up a bust, they took us way way way out of town and we didn't really even know where we were. we had to turn around.

i think i know what bugs me about NC, we took two whole fucking days redoing this marketing brochure thing which was a measley 2 pages, and large parts of the pages was taken up by GRAPHICS THAT WERE GIVEN TO US. it was starting to drive me crazy. ever little word she had to make sure it was the right word and no other word was better. or could we say this in a better way or can we say it in a different way. UGH i'm a rather patient person when it comes to certain things but this was a bit much. in the end i just started saying ya ok that's good even if i didn't think it was. just to get things fucking moving ALONG. holy lord, i had to take a break and do actual work just to get away from her and her endless indecision.

i'm not sure if she's actually like that or she just wants it perfect because this is her first project and wants to make a good impression. EVERYONE pray or hope or wish or whatever it is you do that its the impression one, cuz if it isn't i'll go fucking crazy working with her.

TCG has started saying hi to me whether i make eye contact with him or not. i was so sure my no eye contact rule was a perfect solution to this problem. guess not. i don't mind him saying hi but soon hi turns into actual conversations and i just can't have that. he annoys me, lunch with him in the same room is enough. ENOUGH!

On another note i'm not sure if i have written about this ever before but i really hate, i mean hate, despise, loathe candian geese. why you ask? well my first year of college i lived in an appartment on the 7th floor. it was one of those ones where you can't control the heat. so when everyone had their heat on it was boiling in our apartment. so naturally i had to sleep with my fucking window open all the time.

well the spawn from HELL candian geese seemed to like the apartment building's bit of grass so they were always there. those fuckers are LOUD and i would always wake up to their loudness. FUCKERS. i value my sleep more than i value my own well being.

another reason why i hate those fuckers is because at that same time we lived near lake ontario and we used to go there a lot becaues it reminded us of the ocean and we both love the ocean. anyway those horrible creatures shit EVERYWHERE and their shits are fucking huge so you would literally have to walk wiht your head pointing down watching where you put your foot every time. I MEAN EVERY STEP. i dont' even have to do that in my backyard with three fucking dogs. WHAT THE HELL. those things should be eradicated. or they should create a large dog fence for them and put collars on them so they can't go where people like to spend time or like to walk.


today i was in an ok mood. then as soon as i walked in the door at home it was like my mood was flipped to aggrevated and ready to snap. it was weird. my dad was asking stupid questions and i almost freaked on him. so i ended up just leaving and going to do my work out.

i fucking pushed myself hardcore this time oh man i almost didn't make it to my 30 mins...haha yes yesterday and monday i made it to 30 mins, i'm totally moving up in the world of workouts. i have however decided this fucking machine sucks dick. i think i want a bike. a friend said he reads while he's on the bike. that would be awsome i could kill two...CANADIAN GEESE...with one stone. catch up on reading AND get rid of this disgusting sick fat hanging off my body. they're expensive so that won't work. meh i'll keep up the hard work though for sure!


Blogger Unknown said...

Rocks, you're a gem. You are. A diamond in the rough. I think my friends and I took a road sign once, but it wouldn't fit in the trunk, and we were moving so quickly we panicked, dropped it, and drove away. Of course this was at midnight with no possible witnesses, but we freaked anyway. Oh well.

11:22 AM  
Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

Patsy: when i read your comment i was at work and i laughed out loud, seriously loud. i got a few dirty looks, but it was worth it, the set of 8 steak knives is what did it.

Video X: i totally want to try the getting drunk people to give me stuff. usually i just get them to buy me drinks never even THOUGHT of stuff on their person.

Sean: if i were a gem i wonder what kind of gem i'd be...hematite because its as black as my heart!!

10:05 PM  

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