Geese Explained
So I realized that I never even really explained why i was writing about the fucking CANADIAN GEESE. I brought it up because they've taken over the outside of my office. there's hell spawn shit everywhere in the parking lot. they're even on the fucking ROOF. what the fuck? i wonder if they're planning on having their babies in the empty field/lot next to our parking lot.
if they do i'm going to steal one and raise it to hate its own kind. maybe i'll train it to be a canadian geese assassin.
i want a punching bag. not one of those pussy ones, a REAL one. one that hangs from the ceiling and you have to wear gloves to punch otherwise you skin your knuckles. that could be a good work out right? to punch the shit out of something. you know when you're really pissed and just need to hit something, that would come in really handy....hahah handy i didn't even do that on purpose.
so its my week to do the dishes, it alternates between my brother and i. so i go to do the dishes and what do i see? fucking chicken breast bones all over a plate left on the counter. that just set me off. is it me or is that just rude. not only do you have me doing YOUR FUCKING DISHES but you can't even have the decency to clean them off. maybe i'm wrong but i just got pissed. i left that fucking dish on the counter and yelled at anyone within distance to hear me. not that it will teach anyone a lesson i'm sure my mom will just throw it out which defeats the point but i was so not going to clean that asshole's dish for them. i dont know who did it though i suspect it was my brother.
Quote of the Day: Shut your mouth when you're talking to me!
i feel very boring right now so i'll quit while i'm behind.
Yeah. Totally boring. That's why I have you bookmarked. You ever feel like you were just meant to ramble? I do. By the way...Terms of Endearment. THAT one gets me crying like a baby. The last episode of Six Feet Under had me bawling. And God dammit if Extreme Makeover doesn't get my tear ducts working...damn you Ty Pennington, Damn you! (I actually do hate that show, but I catch the tail end before Desperate Housewives).
I was going to comment before, but this is the first chance I had to get a word in edgewise...(joking)
Anyway some Goose wakes me up almost every morning. Don't know what nationality it is though...
i fucking hate canadian geese.
ok, thats just rude with the ckicken bones. if you had a dishwasher, it couldnt go in there like that, it would have to be cleaned off first,right?
oh, and regards to your last post. in our backyard and up and my BF's parents house we have the street sign with our street name on it :) one we um.... helped down ;) and the other fell down on its own and we just re-located it. i think street signs are cool to have too.
two words:
bird flu
(stay away from the geese...)
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