I am so sorry i really hate it when people don't post at least 3 times a week. I get so bored at work i NEED those posts to keep me sane! This is the first time i've had more than 5 minutes on the computer in that last i don't know how long to be able to post. my brother is always on this computer.
I had a very nice weekend indeedly! Saturday my bestest came over and we had a party with fireworks and swimming and of course drinking. it was great and nice to hang with her again. its been a very long ass time! there was nudity, laughs and drinking, a great time.
Sunday i went to a bonfire which sucked monkey dick hardcore until my friend's friends got the fuck out of there and we could talk. they were annoying as FUCK and i dont get why she likes the one guy in the group he's such a fucking asshole FUCK. she's moving and it was our "one last fire". its going to be so weird her not living there anymore. she's lived there ever since i've known her...10 years or so. it will be weirder for her since she's literally lived there her whole life. so sad, i'm going to miss that place!
Then today we decided to go out to belfountain and see what it looked like in the daylight. last time we were there we went at night its really nice there. a nice little town. we decided we would totally live there.
i'm not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. my boss will be away all week and all i have to look forward to is being bored as FUCK since she won't be there to give me shit to do.
well i really don't have much to was your long weekend?
Don't be sorry...just don't let it happen again!
Thanks for Saturday, I had a great time...and wont EVER forget so the night wont be forgotten cause I love hanging out like that, and the nekidness wont soon be forgotten either, lol...*shudder*...But really, we should plan BBQs like that every 2 weeks or so during the summer, that way everyone can hang out together! Doesnt cost much, cause everyone brings something, and is tons of fun!!!
and...BTW I donno if I said this last time, but I agree about Belfountain..I really like it there! My mom and I go there all the time!
lol we usually do something like that at least 2 times a month but its never planned and you're unfortunately never around when we do which SUCKS
Never around and never invited are 2 different things!
I don't invite myself, I prefer to be INVITED....TRY iviting me...then we'll talk about how I'm NEVER around!!!
well we can't exactly call you the day we've decided to have a BBQ now can we? you live in fucking bramhole i doubt you'll drive all the way here on the day of
Hmm, a blog cat fight! My imagination is going wild...
right so if you don't update i don't have a fucking thing to read when i'm BORED
Vince: no cat fight we talk with each other like this all the time!
Sean: Can you believe my brother has anime porn? like wtf? he doesn't even watch porn like a normal has to be cartoon porn. so stupid!
Secksi: what the hell why didn't you get to see fireworks its what you really wanted to do? And i'm sure you've told me how awsome i am considering its a pretty regular thing you tend to do...btw you can stop that now! least you're the only one who does it on a regular basis or i couldn't handle it for sure.
Biggie: what the hell?
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