Sunday, June 18, 2006


Love is a strange thing. I don't think I trust it. Let's look at this whole "love" thing.

1. people do fucked up things in the name of DIE for someone. what the shit is that?

2. women let their husbands beat them to a pulp and say its THEIR fault because they didn't make dinner on time. and oh he's a really good guy MOST of the time. and they don't leave because they say he loves her. WTF?

3. a mother can spend her daughter's whole childhood verbally and physically beating the crap out of her and still say she loves her. that's fucked.

either love is fucked up or people have some fucked up idea of what love is. i sure as hell don't know what the fuck to think. its not like i have a bad parents are still in love...its actually kind of fucking gross.

but that's just one instance. and even then you see all the shit that goes on in a marriage and you think you'll never do that or that would never happen with you. but you KNOW it would. its like you compromise in a horrible way. not the kind where you tolerate someone's "cute" little quirks. but where you start to do everythhing for them and essentially become your boyfriend's mother and the only difference is you fuck each other. THAT'S A FUCKED UP RELATIONSHIP.

...scary thought!


Blogger Beezaleez said...

3 Horrible examples of many people do you have around you that are directly related to your examples. Why dont you talk about GOOD love. My parent are still in love, you have tons of friend in healthy love relationships and you live near tons of happy couples! and yet you seem to think that all you have is unhappy people in confused love relationships. I dont get it?!

And sometimes people have a compromise, its not about someone being their boyfriends "mother" its about doing things for the person you love. You don't see that though becuase you're not in a relationship where you take care of eachother, equally but in different ways. Everybodys differnt, and everybody does things in different ways, you'll NEVER get why certain women and men do things for eachother. No one gets what other couples do! When you get to the serious point with a man check back and see how you feel about this issue, you're opinion WILL have changed!

9:36 AM  
Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

My opinion that love is fucked up will never change...ever

10:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love food, music, movies,a motorcycle on an open road, and a woman in heat. And also to see children truely happy. So what's the problem?

10:07 PM  
Blogger Beezaleez said...

Thats Ok...this was a drunk post so I will ignor it.

And BTW EVERYONES opinion changes....even things about you, that you said would never change, have!! So we'll talk in a couple years, when you're in love!!! :)

10:54 AM  
Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

um it wasn't a drunk post...

11:03 AM  

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