Dream Come True
Saturday was a small dream come true. i FINALLY got to drive a golf cart. I've wanted to for so long now. i even contemplated renting a cart one time just to drive around the course. fuck the golfing just drive around. i may still do that.
the golfing part was bad, i really sucked so hardcore. they all told me i was really good for a first timer but i think they were lying. trying to make me feel better. whatever, it was a good time. you really need to have a good group of people to make golfing fun i think.
Sunday there was a crisis and one of janice's kid's hampster died. so for some reason i had to be there with her when she bought a replacement which was a guinea pig she named scooter. i'm not that fond of the whole rodent as a pet thing. they're not that great and rather boring. same with birds. anything that shits on you really isn't that great of a pet in my opinion. i've had both so its not like i haven't tried them.
then after that we went to a horse show. it was boring. REALLY boring in fact. i kept hoping for someone to get bucked off their horse or SOMETHING. but it never happend. i wish i was drunk i bet it would have been way more fun. fuck, just thinking about it has made me bored. the barrel racing was kind of cool though. its really crazy how fast that fucking horse can run. i bet your first time its pretty scary. could you imagine falling off at those speeds? OUCH! if your ass wasn't flat at that point it would be.
so i guess my weekend was pretty full OH i almost forgot at the golf tournament i won these wine glasses where just one of them holds 32 oz. i'm not really sure how much that is but its fucking HUGE. i wonder if i could get half a bottle of wine in there. oh my god that would be great, only two times to fill up instead of 3 or 4. perfect for the lazy person like myself. also good for frozen beverages as well.
i smell food so i'm going now!
Can I come and drink a bottle of wine with you in those glasses? I'll supply the first bottle!! haha since it'll only last one glass each, you'll have to supply the second bottle! I wanted to do some glass things so maybe we could get together and do them both at the same time....hmm glass and wine...bad idea maybe?
And I TOTALLY want to rent a golf cart, lets do that sometime! I wish my grandparents lived closer cause then we could steal the one they have!
vx: had i known that's where we were going i totally would have brought my OWN. fuck it was boring.
Beez: you better hurry up i want to christen those glasses already. I haven't decided with what yet. This weekend is supposed to be crazy hot so maybe smoothies. I owe janice a smoothie so who knows.
I'm home this weekend! but if you only have two, hows that going to work? WHO gets to use the other one?
beez: i have FOUR of them lol
i dont know how you managed to go a whole game of golf without throwing yourself into the sand pit head 1st.
those glasses sound perfect for a big ass frozen dacquari(sp?) or something. they're huge, I think thats like 950ml, sweet
I've done all these things, except as a guy, and not all in one day. The thing I won at the golf tourney was a coke bottle that they somehow stretched out to be 3 feet long...
Wow! That's like a Big Gulp. Mmmmm, a Big Gulp-sized glass of wine! I could handle that, EASY!
UPDATE!! Please!!
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