Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fried Green Tomatos

I hadn't seen this movie in a rather long time. But I just watched the whole thing. It made me jealous.

A tale of life...and death and everything that happens in between. More importantly it's a story about two friends, best friends. I envy the bond they had with each other. I couldn't imagine being that close with someone. You could say they were like sisters but really they were closer than that.

In fact I've never seen sisters who were ever that close, either tolerated each other or were fighting. No these two people were content just to be with each other in a totally non sexual way.

It was nice to see. You don't really see that very often these days. We always keep people a certain distance away don't we? I want that for myself. I think one day I'll have it. That kind of friendship that lasts forever, through the years growing together and with each other. The friend that is always next door or down the street. of course the other thing that always fucks it up is someone ends up moving. I've learned that I don't do so well with long distance friendships. I need that constant appearance. Which sucks because it's always inevitable that someone will move. Nowadays people don't stick around in one spot for very long.

I'm not interested in having a ton of friends. I'm more interested in people who will stick around for years to come. That old saying its not quantity it's quality...besides I don't' really like people that much so I could never have a lot of friends anyway.

I don't know what I'm saying. It's just nice when there's a movie these days that actually moves you and invokes an emotional response. Surprise surprise this movie was based on a novel. It would be amazing to have a friendship like the one in this movie, but who knows maybe that's all it is...fiction. Whether it is or isn't I highly recommend this movie if you haven't seen it. And if you have seen it I recommend you watch it again. It's not like its a new movie, I forget what year it came out and I'm too lazy to IMDB it but Jessica Tandy was in it so obviously it was made when she was alive.

Now there was a chick who knew how to pick her movies. I've never seen a movie with her in it that I didn't like. Interesting how you find certain actors who never disappoint. I was going to say that about Kathy Bates as well..but then she had to do that movie "About Schmitt". Ok movie until we got to see her ENTIRELY FUCKING NAKED. Kathy I like you but i do NOT need to see you fucking naked. That was nasty. Don't get me wrong I admire her courage but still....GROSS. i don't even like to see myself naked and avoid it at all costs which is rather hard since i have a wall made almost entirely of mirror in my room.

What does a fried green tomato taste like anyway?


Blogger Beezaleez said...

I loved that movie...And funny thing, I was thinking about it the other day. Now I really want to watch it.

AND I want to know what fried green tomatoes would taste like too...I imagine it makes me wish I knew someone who could make them! Or knew somewhere to get them!

11:48 AM  
Blogger Helene said...

how about seeing Jack Nickelson nude(from behind)... that was kinda icky too. I guess that there is a time when nudity just isnt pretty anymore... hummmmm ...

OMG does that mean I should be keeping the lights off these days?

9:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love Fried Green Tomatoes. That is one of those movies that I'll finish watching even if I click on it in the middle of the movie. It's SO good. And you're right about their friendship; it bordered on sexual, but it didn't NEED to be sexual. Idgie would have done ANYTHING for her friend. And yes, Jessica Tandy, just fabulous. You ever see *Batteries not included?? GREAT little movie.

And as for naked people...Diane Keaton did it in Something's Gotta Give. I know it isn't necessary for these actors to do it, but I think it's awesome, no matter how gross. I mean, Why not? And I'm only referring to the women (men seem to get away with anything, no matter how old, but women get the short end of the stick) because Charlize Theron could get nude and no one would bat an eye, but Kathy Bates gets nude and it's...ballsy, I don't know. ANYWAY....I just love Fried Green Tomatoes. P.S., that movie was 1991, just after Jessica Tandy and Kathy Bates won their Oscars for Driving Miss Daisy (1989) and Misery (1990), so Hollywood had to do SOMETHING with these non-traditional women. What a perfect movie for them to be in. Damn, now I have to go rent it.

12:19 PM  
Blogger chaindropz said...

Fried green tomatoes

The best taste description is in the link below. copy and paste the link in your Address bar.

10:59 PM  
Blogger chaindropz said...

I am not sure I posted the whole link.


11:05 PM  

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