Friday, March 17, 2006

I Want to Know!!

When I drive to and from work everyday I take a side road so I can drive fast, plus the side roads are a lot prettier with much more to see. Anyway for the past two weeks I have seen the trees lining the road with two small buckets attached to them.

I have never seen this before. It made me think oh maybe they're maple trees and someone is trying to collect sap. but then i though wait you're a moron who would just put buckets on trees on the side of the road? I'm not even sure if those trees are maple trees, i'm thinking not.

but its driving me crazy i just HAVE to know what they're for. i've never EVER seen these before on these trees. I'm so close to stopping and looking. but there are houses around and how odd would that look PLUS what if the person who's buckets those are live right by where i'm looking? I don't know I JUST WANT TO KNOW!

The new chick starts on Monday. It makes me wonder where its going to leave me. I better not be just the young kid fresh out of school. I'll be pissed. and I really hope they offer me a salary that i find acceptable especially for the shitty project i've been working on practically a whole year now. Literally everyone i tell what i do says i have the worst job ever. I know i have the worst job but i don't need EVERYONE saying i have the worst job. people start complaining at lunch then they look at me and say least i don't have to do what you do THANKS ASSHOLE!! I'M WELL AWARE I SUCK!!

ok so...something positive now....OH i've made it to 26 minutes now. HOLLA!!! i'm still not satisfied with that OF COURSE. I'd like to make it to like 45 but i think that will take forever. plus i've been running for over a month and i've noticed no difference except that i can go longer and longer. FUCK that i need to lose inches here. i dont think that's going to happen. many many many summers i've played on two baseball teams and a soccer team and never really lost weight. wtf is that shit? and i never really was subbed off the soccer feild so that was playing for a full 45 minutes. ugh my body sucks...literally and metaphorically.

at least i can make it to 26 minutes????


Blogger Beezaleez said...

Haha I would stop and check them out. I don't know what they would be other than the sap buckets, BUT at the side of a road that seems doubtful!

I miss soccer! Even the running part of it! I wish we had our 'B' team back! lol

1:00 PM  

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