Before I get into my fucking rant I just want to say this is my 90th cool almost 100!!!
my after my 3 fucking hour conversation today at work with an asshole my opinion of PEOPLE and (sorry guys) AMERICANS has really lowered which i never thought could happen.
god, this fucking guy kept me on the phone for 3 fucking hours, like FUCK and an hour of it was AFTER 5PM SO IT WAS MY OWN TIME HE WAS BURNING ugh. dickface. and i have to look forward to talking to him on monday too. i can't fucking wait.
I think i'm going to pass him off to my boss i can't deal i've spent a total of about 4-5 hours talking to this fucker. i'm going to lose it on him. and you can't just talk to him for a minute he's got to talk and talk and talk and talk. i'm drinking, feels good to vent. don't really have anyone to vent to so a blog is just as good i suppose.
My record was 4 hours in one sitting with 1 hour of it on my own time. I think it may be the same guy? Acts like he's all intelligent? I knocked the bathroom stall door off its hinges that day...Oops.
I hate getting yelled at by customers! Specially if you're just doing what you're supposed to!!! F-ers!!!
Why what when?
I know this isn't really comparable, but I love it (translation: hate it) when people call the deli at, say, 12:15 and say, "Hi, yes, I'm interested in placing a really large catering order for tomorrow." Really? Well why don't you fucking call when we're not in the middle of a lunch rush, dumbass! That one always gets me. Then I go home and drink, too, so it's all good.
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