Thirteen THINGS
1. Why don't they make money out of plastic? I've seen a whole novel where its pages were this weird recycleable plastic...why not money? wouldn't that save trees?
2. If you think that if a tree falls and there's no one around to hear it that it DOESN'T make a sound...you're fucking stupid! Just cuz there's no one to hear it doesn't mean it doesn't make a fucking sound ...come on!
3. I'm going to strike a pose with the garbage dragon.
4. I find it rather hard to come up with 13 things to say.
5. which one was blue first...the sky or the ocean?
6. The mosquitos haven't been this bad in a long time. This sucks!
7. its kind of weird how people are obsessed with famous people.
8. This weekend couldn't come fast enough.
9. my fucker next door neighbor started mowing his lawn by my bedroom window at 8am this moring. FUCKER
10. I think i'm afraid of getting old. I'm not afraid to die, i could care less if i die, i'm afraid of the old part. shitting in my pants, not being able to walk, standing up and breaking a hip, needing people to bathe me and dress me. wtf kind of life is that?
11. did you know that they use tang to treat burn victims because it helps promote skin growth? that's fucked. they literally have stores of it in every single hospital.
12. i think its pretty funny when people say they want me to call them, give me their name email and phone number, then when i call them they act all like i'm disturbing them and shit. WTF IS THAT FUCKING SHIT YOU GAVE ME YOUR NUMBER NOW SHUT UP AND ASK ME YOUR STUPID QUESITONS SO I CAN ANSWER THEM AND HANG UP. fuck.
13. and what is the last thing i'm going to say? yup you guessed it...my bike ROCKS because its fucking BLUE!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Vince 2. Beezaleez
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I think they have plastic money--It's called a credit card...
You ought to get one of those Mosquito rackets. It's like a tennis racket except it's a wire mesh that has a small electric current that does not bother humans. But when it touches a Mosquito, it explodes and you can hear the POP!
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