Thirteen Reasons Why My New Bike ROCKS
1. Really the only reason that matters is that my bike is BLUE the best color ever...and yellow and black, but mostely blue
2. It says hooligan on the back of the seat and side of the bike
3. It has a bunch of gears to allow for a much better work out
4. I slammed into one of janice's kids with my bike, she got hurt cuz her bike isn't as cool as mine and i didn't get hurt, i did however fall into the highway and almost died but my bike is still cool!
5. There's lots of hills around here so i can go hella fast
6. i finally get to have the wind in my hair (i love that feeling)
7. people envy me cuz my bike is so cool
8. my bike has shocks on it DOES YOURS????????
9. did i mention my bike is BLUE?
10. i can bike instead of walk...walking just takes way too long
11. i can cover way more ground on a bike than if i was to walk
12. hills are way funner on a bike than in a car or even walking
13. basically my bike rocks because its blue and says hooligan on it i mean it doesn't get much better than that!!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. Vince 2. Beezaleez
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you're too funny. so, what colour is your bike again?
glad to see u post again.
I envy your bike! I wish I had a BLUE hooligan bike to look cool on.
I only have a lame purple bike! Do you even think you can still be seen with me?
It's ABOUT TIME you're back!!! *smiling* R&C, you're funny! I'm glad you're back. If I had to click your blog one more time to read "As I was watching my taped episode of..." I was gonna go mad!
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