Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Holy shittles i've been crazy busy these last few weeks. Partly because of fucking janice keeping me at her house all hours of the night drinking...ON WEEKDAYS. fucking last friday i had to go to work with a hangover that SUCKED. i'm pretty sure i was still a bit drunk when i woke up. so not cool!!! never will i do that again!!!

today i had to do godamed cold calling again. UGH it sucks. my victims were pizza places in chicago. it was cool though becuase most people just said their manager wasn't in so i hung up. so i didn't really have to dea with bastard assholes. and that was if the phone number worked and if i could even get a hold of people. interested how fucking restaurants don't answer their phones. BITCHIS!!

Yes i spelt that word right...B I T C H I S...say it. its an awsome new word my friend and i came up with. you can pretty much say it for any occasion quite like the word fuck.

still unsure? ok let's think of an example...ok so you're driving and some asshole cuts you off you could go "ahhhhhhhhh what the fuck was that? BITCHIS" another time you could say it is like this "UGH BITCHIS" as a sort of statement of exasperation. or maybe just in anger like this BITCHISSSSSSS it really is very fun to say and hilarious to hear someone else say. so make people say it so you can have a laugh!

so i've been downloading songs from grey's anatomy because i FINALLY found a site that lists songs that were featured in each episode. www.tv.com go there and type in grey's anatomy, then click on episodes then scroll down to the music part. as a result i've found quite a lot of songs i did not like and frankly did not remember hearing. BUT i found a new artist i totally love. she writes very interesting songs. her name is Kate Havnevik. i love her songs so much. i've actually only heard 3 of them so far but i LOVE them. they're somewhat slowish but oh man so nice. if you're interested i suggest downloading "unlike me", "Grace", "Nowhere Warm".

I've been wanting to make a new cd for my car but have had no time which sucks because i'm so sick of the ones i have. i don't ever buy cd's anymore. i can't stand paying $25 for a cd where i only like MAYBE 7 songs from it. fucking rip off if you ask me. those shittastic artists deserve me ripping off their songs when they can't even put out an album with at LEAST have the songs being good ones. what the shit is that? i think they just do it for money and don't really care that their albums are shit!

tonight i filled in on our company's slo-pitch team. that was rather interesting. apparently tonight was the first time they havn't been killed. we lost but like by 1 or two runs and they were extatic. it was pretty funny. one guy swung the bat and face planted into the ground. very funny to watch. i played like shit but everyone was like holy shit you're an awsome player. i just laughed.

tomorrow i'm helping out with coaching the Under 12 girls soccer team, janice's kid is on that team. they suck large. like to the point where its hard to watch. their biggest problem is they just run all over the place then tire themselves out because they're not staying where they're supposed to. stupid fucktards. their second problem is they kick the effing ball into the center of the field. doesn't matter where they are, they could be RIGHT INFRONT OF THEIR GODAMED NET AND THEY'LL KICK IT UP THE MIDDLE INSTEAD OF TO THE FREAKIN SIDE. i'm not quite sure why they keep doing that i mean the FOUR other coaches of this team besides me keep yelling at them but they don't seem to get it. whatever i don't care its not an age group that you can do much with anyway. just be happy they show up i suppose. when i was that age my coach would have never put up with that shit.

today i was surprised with a lovely post mostly about me over at Beezy's blog. it was nice to hear. i normally don't like that kind of shit but lately i've been thinking of her. probably becuase i haven't really talked to her in a while. i noticed we don't really have those really in depth talks anymore. maybe we know each other so well there isn't much more that we don't know about eachother. though i imagine she feels like she can't tell me stuff. which sucks. but if i dont know about then i can't fix it..right?

ugh this post is long i'm going to stop now i hope you all have a great day whenever it is you happen to read this!


Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

the "is" in bichis sounds like the "is" in "this"

9:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LUSH!!! :)

11:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, I'll start using the word BITCHIS. But it sounds like the word BITCHES. Don't you have to be careful who you say it around?

3:02 PM  

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