Monday, September 22, 2008

"It could be worse"

That saying is meant to make people feel better but it creates the opposite in me. Thinking it could be worse and that other people have it worse makes me feel shitty for feeling shitty about my situation in the first place.

About two weeks before my ankle was broken I was laid off from my job. I haven't worked in 3 months. Back in June when I was looking for a job there wasn't anything. I'm afraid to look now. And to be honest I don't know what to look for. I don't really want to do what I was doing previously. But I don't know what I'd rather do. Well I do know, but there's no way I can see to make money at it. So I feel stuck. I had thought maybe I'll just work at a temp agency until I figure it out. I feel lost and directionless. I don't know what to do, and I don't really want to do anything. The annoying part is I'm so bored all the time but I don't want to do anything at all. Sounds exactly like being stuck.

I don't know what to do. Sometimes I'm so envious of people who have found a job they love.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


First off I want to start by answering a question that Sean wrote. He asked what happened to the bitchass ho that did this to me. The answer is not a fucking thing. My injury happened with around 5-10 minutes left in the game so with all the commotion they 1. didn't finish the game and 2. nothing happened to her. I'm not sure if i posted this already but right at the top of the rules for our league was NO SLIDE TACKLING. So something should have happened to her. BITCH! Once I'm better my awesome friend is going to take me out to get drunk then we're going to go and find this chick and put her in a body cast.

Ok so updates. Well on the 24th I get to find out if I can walk without this plastic cast I'm wearing. I am allowed to put weight on my foot only when wearing the cast. That's fine by me because I tried it without it on and it hurt so I see why. It kind of hurts with the cast on. The bone is completely healed I'm told it's just the ligaments that take forever to heal. My surgeon says bones heal in no time and if I had just broken it I would have probably been running around already. But I did some ligament damage as well so I'm SOL. I've started physiotherapy, but since I don't have a job and no health care I don't go very often, only once a week. Which is really fine with me because I don't have much energy anyway. I have exercises that I have to do and I get accupuncture to slow down the swelling in my ankle. I'm all for accupuncture but I haven't noticed a difference. Maybe it takes time and builds up...I don't know. Also with my visit to the surgeon on the 24th I'll find out about these extra pins that are in my ankle. Apparently 2 should come out. I can't wait because I can feel them through my skin. You can kind of see them actually. When I move my ankle I can tell it's not normal movement it's almost like I can feel my tendions and shit moving against those pins. (cringing yet? lol)

I have to say you really learn who your friends are when something like this happens. My newest friends have been so much better than my oldest friends. You'd think it would be the other way around. Though the age of my newer friends could be a factor, one is 10 years older and one is 14 years older so...maybe that's it. One of my really good friends calls me once in awhile. But it's from work so we never have a good talk. I don't remember the last time we had a good talk like the old times. I miss it. But alas things change and so do your relationships. But anyway my newer friends make sure to call me pretty often and visit me at least twice a month. I'm glad I found them.

Oh well, what's a girl to do. I have to move with my parents so maybe a new city will be good. Maybe I'll find better people to be friends with. Or It's not all bad, I understand barely having time for yourself let alone a crippled friend. Who needs crippled friends anyway? It's not like they're a whole person...haha just joking.

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