Friday, March 31, 2006

Sparrow Boy

Yesterday at work helpdesk guy msn's NC to tell her about how shitty his morning was. We had just gotten into our new office and she had just gotten signed in when he msn'ed her. he says bunch of shit and then says "and on my way to work i think i killed a sparrow." NC reads this to me, we look at each other and BURST out laughing.

that would be the last thing you'd expect someone to say. then we were like um...HOW? he says he hit it with his car when he was driving to work.

i'd like to stop here and say NC is like...really new i mean she's been here like just two weeks and already helpdesk guy is msning her for no reason and telling her shit about his day...they never talk in the office so its a bit weird...or at least we think its weird.

ok now for more of the story. SO all yesterday we kept calling him sparrow boy or the sparrow slayer. he didn't think it was that funny but NC and i spent most of the day laughing about it.

then today he msn's her again around 9:40am and was saying how he didn't want her to think he was a jerk because yesterday he didn't give her a ride home because he just didn't want to cross any boundaries...BOUNDARIES? i said to her, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW!!! she said fuck you and we both laughed HARD.

but i was like what is he talking about the ride? so she said that she was almost out of our parking lot walking to the bus stop and he pulled up stopped and asked her if she was waiting for a ride. she said no and that she was walking to the bus stop. he kinda went oh ok and then DROVE AWAY!!??!@!!! what the hell is what i said to her after she told me that.

so hence the whole appology for not giving her a ride. but we were totally confused about the boundary thing. then after that we were really bummed that we had no one else to bug now. we thought it best to not bug him as much so he didnt' get the wrong idea. i just kept laughing and making fun of her cuz that's PRICELESS! oh man, last few days have been full of laughing and messing with helpdesk guy.

i should mention this guy is REALLY big...i feel kind of bad because he probably doesn't get a lot of attention from the ladies. but she totally wasn't flirting with him so hopefully he doesn't think that. we just want it back to the same where we bug him and msn him a lot.

on another work related note, i got a job offer today. i think i'm going to accept. its not as much as i would have liked but lets face it i probably wouldn't find another job like this. i dont think anyone would hire me.

i hope you all have a fun filled relaxing exciting weekend! i know i won't lol someone better!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Ya that's right I've been moved for the fucking sixth time. this is bullshit i feel like some sort of travelling gypsy or something.

I really liked where I was sitting too. It was the perfect spot. No one ever walked behind me so literally no one could see my screen so i was free to blog to my heart's content. no one sat near me so i didn't have to listen to other people's noises. i had a GIANT window all to myself so i had something to look at when i was feeling bored. That's all gone now of course, i knew it was too good to be true.

Where was i moved to you ask? into the department office. i now have my own office which i have to SHARE with the NC. great so they crammed two desks into one not that big room. first thing i'm pissed about? NO WINDOW! second thing: i had documents which i used regularly pinned onto the cubicle walls for quick and easy access...can't do that in a fucking office.

ok so good thing about the office? i can shut the door. when me and NC want to bitch about our current project with the most crazy deadline ever we can just shut the door and bitch. or when we just don't feel like working we can just sit in there and talk. our office also has a couch. its a comfy couch too. so that's cool.

this office has a window which is the same height as the door, so when people walk by they feel compelled to look into the room. it just so happens that i'm facing the door so i don't have to worry about people seeing my screen BUT NC has her back facing the door so she can't see our boss walking in and her screen is facing the door so people CAN see her screen....SHE SUCKS hahahah sucker. she's new so she actually does on the other hand....

how do i feel about NC? she's growing on me...literally, i contracted some sort of fungus from her and i can't get rid of it. i've had her fired, that shit just ain't right! ok so none of that is true but it could be. Naw i'm starting to like her. she swears a lot like i do, she bitches about the same things that i do. and i like how i'm not the only one other than my boss anymore. one thing that still bugs me is that she just doesn't know stuff that she should. for example in microsoft excel she was asking me how to sort a column....SORT BY ASCENDING ORDER...THERE'S A FUCKING BUTTON THAT YOU CLICK THAT DOES IT FOR YOU. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO LOOK THROUGH ALL THE MENUS TO FIND IT. i'm sorry, if you're in business you should just know that!! so its stupid simple things like that she doesn't know and its annoying me cuz i'm the one she gets to help her. plus she's not very technical and our business is all tech so....what the hell.

well anyway i still reserve my complete and final opinion for when i've worked with her for a month. now since we are so close to each other i'm sure she'll wear on my nerves for example i noticed that she hums and sings to herself, i'm sure she doesn't even know she's doing it but I DO I CAN FUCKING HEAR IT. i don't know about you but that's fucking annoying when you're trying to concentrate!!

well anyway that was part of my was your day?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Tragedy Yet to be Unfolded...

I think something unspeakable has happened to my good friend Sissy. I haven't heard from her or talked to her in DAYS. I'm worried.

What if she was walking to the mall and there was a hole in the sidewalk and she tripped and fell into a ditch and hit her head on a rock and is now laying there unconscious. She could get really sick or something the weather is still freezing at night. And I mean not many people look in ditches so who knows how long she could just be laying there with blood oozing out of her cracked skull. WHAT A TRAGEDY!

Or what if she was minding her own business watching re-runs of sex and the city in her apartment when to her utter surprise some crazy psycho guy climbs up onto her balcony which is 12 floors up and smashes her window and breaks in? He could hold her hostage there tying her up to her computer chair with her own socks. Who knows what he might or might not do to her? What if she had to go pee pee? What if he just made her go right there? That would be horrible. What if he didn't feed her for days upon days and she dwindled down to nothing but a tiny little midget sized sissy? Or worse, what if he just tied her up, ransacked her very tidy apartment and then left...Just leaving her tied up alone. WHAT A TRAGEDY!

Or what if she's in one of her crazy cleaning moods and while mopping the floor she slips breaking her leg at the knee? Then while she's on the floor trying to drag herself to the phone she pulls on the leg of her desk accidentally knocking over her computer monitor where it lands on her shoulder effectively imobilising her. With a broken knee and most likely dislocated shoulder she lays there unable to move herself any quantifiable distance. She might just end up laying there for days in agonizing pain. And knowing her she was probably waiting to make herself something really great to eat after she did her borderline OCD cleaning. So she'd most likely be very hungry and who knows how long she'd be laying there in pain and hunger. WHAT A TRAGEDY!

Or she could simply be just too busy to grace all her MSN friends with her presence. Who knows, hopefully she's alive and isn't unconscious in a ditch, or tied up, or laying on her bedroom floor with a snapped knee and a dislocated shoulder.

Hopefully I hear from her soon so I can stop worrying about all the horrible things that could be keeping her from MSN.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fan FUCKING Tastic

Well I went clothes shopping today. what a horrible experience. I mean you know you're fat, you can see yourself in the mirror, its not hard to miss. But clothes shopping is a whole new way of seeing just how fat you are.

There really aren't any good clothes for fat people. i find that surprising since the majority of north americans are overweight.

After shopping for clothes I always end up feeling so disgusting and overbese. people who love clothes shopping must be stick people. no way in hell someone of my size would enjoy searching searching searching and finally finding something you think might just fit that doesn't look ugly and then to have your hopes smashed like a rock to glass.

what a horrible day i've had. i could only handle three clothes stores before i had to stop. utterly depressing. so many things i liked but just could not fit into. then i started thinking wtf have i been killing myself working out for? nothing it seems since no weight loss of inch loss. this sucks, i hate my body.

i've heard there are some cultures that admire the overbese, i'm seriously considering finding out which ones and moving there. if i can't lose weight i might as well go somewhere i'll be appreciated. maybe it wont' be so hard to find clothes too.

this also got me to thinking about how utterly useless "getting your hopes up" really is. i mean hope just ends up in dissapointment 99% of the time doesn't it? how often do your hopes come true? ..never..mine never have. i put a lot of effort into NOT having hopes. sure there are some, but a bare minimum...i hope for world piece...just kiddding that's like hoping you'll go through a whole day and not have to pay for a single thing. it just isn't going to happen...unless you don't go anywhere and by default don't have to pay for something but that's not what i mean.

the upside of having no hopes is if something actually does happen then its a pleasant surprise isnt it? and if it doesn't happen then you can have the satisfactin of being right in thinking it wouldn't happen.

this is all very depressing and i'm an incredibly depressing person. i encourage you all to head over to Beezaleez and check out a video clip she has there. it made me laugh pretty hard so hopefully you'll get a smile after this depressing post!! She's a pretty awsome person to know and i'm thankful she's in my life so get on ova there NOW!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Geese Explained

So I realized that I never even really explained why i was writing about the fucking CANADIAN GEESE. I brought it up because they've taken over the outside of my office. there's hell spawn shit everywhere in the parking lot. they're even on the fucking ROOF. what the fuck? i wonder if they're planning on having their babies in the empty field/lot next to our parking lot.

if they do i'm going to steal one and raise it to hate its own kind. maybe i'll train it to be a canadian geese assassin.

i want a punching bag. not one of those pussy ones, a REAL one. one that hangs from the ceiling and you have to wear gloves to punch otherwise you skin your knuckles. that could be a good work out right? to punch the shit out of something. you know when you're really pissed and just need to hit something, that would come in really handy....hahah handy i didn't even do that on purpose.

so its my week to do the dishes, it alternates between my brother and i. so i go to do the dishes and what do i see? fucking chicken breast bones all over a plate left on the counter. that just set me off. is it me or is that just rude. not only do you have me doing YOUR FUCKING DISHES but you can't even have the decency to clean them off. maybe i'm wrong but i just got pissed. i left that fucking dish on the counter and yelled at anyone within distance to hear me. not that it will teach anyone a lesson i'm sure my mom will just throw it out which defeats the point but i was so not going to clean that asshole's dish for them. i dont know who did it though i suspect it was my brother.

Quote of the Day: Shut your mouth when you're talking to me!

i feel very boring right now so i'll quit while i'm behind.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Clepto ITCH

I have the clepto itch, i havn't stolen anything in a long while. last thing i stole? hmmm could have been a road sign ...yes it must have been. i really like stealing road signs. i have a bunch of them. I think i want to steal one of those sap buckets. i don't really have any use for them but stealing isn't about actually wanting the thing. i actually enjoy stealing retarded things. and really...who couldn't use a little bucket?

i stole a mcdonalds wet floor cone once. it was right by the door and my friends were too pussy to take it. i was like ITS RIGHT BY THE DOOR who's going to notice? and more like it who's going to care its a fucking cone. the thing that sucked was that my car was way on the other side of the parking lot so i felt like i stuck out like a sore thumb running to the car with a fucking bright orange cone. but it was good times and it made us laugh so hard. you know the kind of laugh where you can't breathe and your stomach starts to hurt like hell but you just can not stop lauging.

one time we were skipping school (again) and just driving around town for no particular reason other than we didn't wan to be in school, going to no particular location just driving. then someone got it into their head that we should follow some random car. we all thought it was a good idea and hella funny. so we followed this guy around for a long while.

he started to catch on. he began pulling into more residential streets then out of the blue quickly pulls into what i think was just some random driveway. then we see him throw his head out the window in what i think was an attempt to check out license plate. what does the drive blake do? He fucking pulls into a driveway TURNS AROUND and goes back PAST THE GUY who is still in the driveway staring at us. oh my hell it was hilarious. such good times. that was so funny. then we thought since it was so successful we'd pick another car. this ended up a bust, they took us way way way out of town and we didn't really even know where we were. we had to turn around.

i think i know what bugs me about NC, we took two whole fucking days redoing this marketing brochure thing which was a measley 2 pages, and large parts of the pages was taken up by GRAPHICS THAT WERE GIVEN TO US. it was starting to drive me crazy. ever little word she had to make sure it was the right word and no other word was better. or could we say this in a better way or can we say it in a different way. UGH i'm a rather patient person when it comes to certain things but this was a bit much. in the end i just started saying ya ok that's good even if i didn't think it was. just to get things fucking moving ALONG. holy lord, i had to take a break and do actual work just to get away from her and her endless indecision.

i'm not sure if she's actually like that or she just wants it perfect because this is her first project and wants to make a good impression. EVERYONE pray or hope or wish or whatever it is you do that its the impression one, cuz if it isn't i'll go fucking crazy working with her.

TCG has started saying hi to me whether i make eye contact with him or not. i was so sure my no eye contact rule was a perfect solution to this problem. guess not. i don't mind him saying hi but soon hi turns into actual conversations and i just can't have that. he annoys me, lunch with him in the same room is enough. ENOUGH!

On another note i'm not sure if i have written about this ever before but i really hate, i mean hate, despise, loathe candian geese. why you ask? well my first year of college i lived in an appartment on the 7th floor. it was one of those ones where you can't control the heat. so when everyone had their heat on it was boiling in our apartment. so naturally i had to sleep with my fucking window open all the time.

well the spawn from HELL candian geese seemed to like the apartment building's bit of grass so they were always there. those fuckers are LOUD and i would always wake up to their loudness. FUCKERS. i value my sleep more than i value my own well being.

another reason why i hate those fuckers is because at that same time we lived near lake ontario and we used to go there a lot becaues it reminded us of the ocean and we both love the ocean. anyway those horrible creatures shit EVERYWHERE and their shits are fucking huge so you would literally have to walk wiht your head pointing down watching where you put your foot every time. I MEAN EVERY STEP. i dont' even have to do that in my backyard with three fucking dogs. WHAT THE HELL. those things should be eradicated. or they should create a large dog fence for them and put collars on them so they can't go where people like to spend time or like to walk.


today i was in an ok mood. then as soon as i walked in the door at home it was like my mood was flipped to aggrevated and ready to snap. it was weird. my dad was asking stupid questions and i almost freaked on him. so i ended up just leaving and going to do my work out.

i fucking pushed myself hardcore this time oh man i almost didn't make it to my 30 mins...haha yes yesterday and monday i made it to 30 mins, i'm totally moving up in the world of workouts. i have however decided this fucking machine sucks dick. i think i want a bike. a friend said he reads while he's on the bike. that would be awsome i could kill two...CANADIAN GEESE...with one stone. catch up on reading AND get rid of this disgusting sick fat hanging off my body. they're expensive so that won't work. meh i'll keep up the hard work though for sure!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Day 2

Today was day 2 of new chick. She's not so bad i guess. i still reserve my judgement for a later time. We had our first project today which was to redesign/write our advertising brochure which is what we send people when they say "send me some more info".

so ok i really didn't think there was anything that wrong with what we already had save it might be a little long. but whatever i'm up to a redesign its kinda fun right? well anyway she's starting to get on my nerves.

some things started seeming a little odd. just little things she was saying she didn't understand, little things she was saying she didn't know about computers as well as programs, for example
"i don't know microsoft word all that well"
me: "oh so do you have a mac or something else like that?"
new chick (nc): "no i just havn't used it in awhile"
at this point i was thinking huh? cuz she seems really young so i was thinking it can't be that long since you've had to do shit on the computer for school. now i should say we hired her for a marketing position.
later on while we're discussing things for changes and reason for why the change or why something should be added or cut she's saying things that just don't seem right or kind of weird to me. and she's disagreeing with things i'm saying. now ok i'm not suggesting my way is always the right way. but it just didnt' seem right. i've taken marketing classes and business classes and done some research on writing business materials so i kind of have a good reason for suggesting certain things.

anyway i offered to drive her home because she'd have to take the bus home and i loathe the bus plus i dont know if i'm stupid but i find the guelph bus system totally confusing. off the cuff i asked her what she took in school and what do you think she said? fucking sociology WTF IS THAT ???? how in HELL is that related to marketing..sure its the study of people but wtf? NO WONDER she didn't know those things that i thought was odd she didn't know. I KNEW I WAS RIGHT.

her proposed changes are really bugging me and now even more since she really has no basis except she just thinks it looks good or something. oh well i'm going to go with the flow and see how it turns out, her one idea is just pissing me off and i'm going to put my foot down. i don't think she understands the purpose of this brochure and she's totally going to make it stupid looking. i don't even want to work on this anymore EF!!!

On another note i found out what those buckets first inkling was correct they ARE sap buckets. so weird. i mean i always thought of a bunch of trees lined in a feild. it must just be some person making their own maple syrup. when i was driving i saw the spiguts(sp?) banged into the trees so that's how i know.

Today's Piece of Advice: if you stand on a piece of tempered glass it will break. How do I know this? I stood on a large sheet of tempered glass I had on my carpeted bedroom floor. It was only one foot but it was most of my weight. It cracked, rather like shattering, but tempered glass doesn't "shatter" per say. it was kind of cool, i was kind of pissed since that's what i use when i'm doing my little designs and i need a flat surface, but we have a bunch more sheets so its all good. plus i can use the pieces for a new glass project i've had in mind for about 3 weeks now...still not ready to put it into production but i'm getting close to chancing a try.

OH one more thing before I leave you to whatever exciting and much more fun things you're doing with your day than I am. I have decided i'm going to buy a sandblaster. in no way can i afford it in a monetary sense. but i feel like i can't afford not to in a sanity, and emotional well being kind of way. i think i need it. for one thing i've had a TON of sandblasting ideas which i havn't been able to put into motion so that would really clear up my idea board which is over flowing ATM. and another thing i'm really feeling like i'm having no fun at all these days.

the whole friends area is sucking and i really don't feel like going out and making more. no one lives around here and i hate to say it but i just don't feel like driving forever to go visit. sure that makes me a shitty friend but i'm just so tired all the time it seems and the thought of driving there and back does NOT appeal to me. AT ALL! so why not just immerse myself in something i love and enjoy? i think i might be getting used to never seeing friends or just once in a blue moon. is that bad? i'm not even like OMG I HAVE TO SEE SO AND SO or OMG I'M TOTALLY MISSING SO AND SO. i guess that's bad...or i'd feel bad if someone said that about me...well maybe i wouldnt' care i guess it would depend on the day and mood i'm in lol. but as i said i think i'm jsut getting used to never seeing friends anymore. maybe the socializing at work is all i can deal with ... its about 30mins haha. so bad yup i think i'm going to be a shut in!!

plus i'm really hoping to get my dad involved with the sandblasting. he could do some really amazing things i think. he's 10 times more talented than i WISH i could be. he just has a really creative mind for these sort of things. i bet i could sell his stuff. i just need to figure out in which arena...maybe a website but i don't feel like doing all the marketing and advertising that needs to be done to get people to find the website. but whatever i'm just looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. as well as trying somethings i've been thinking of. UGH the possibilities...ok i have to stop or i won't be able to sleep!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Fuck I was Tagged So Now You All Will Feel My Pain!

Me A-Z

I was tagged by Beezaleez

Accent -I suppose to people who live in England us Canadians have an accent...but no accent lol
Booze of choice-Do I seriousy have to pick just one? it depends on what mood i'm in but generally wine
Chore I hate-I fucking hate all chores, simple as that!
Dog or cat-Dogs all the way. I'm not against cats i'm against kitty litter, 10 times worse than picking up dog shit imo!
Essential electronics-TV, DVD PLAYA
Favorite perfume(s)/cologne(s) –Whatever smells good, i'm not brand whore
Gold or Silver? –neither i'd rather spend my money on something a little more practical!!!
Hometown-The Wood
Insomnia? –Sure who doesn't get that once in awhile...and was that supposed to be asking me if i have insomnia, or have i heard of insomnia?
Job Title –Marketing Assistant
Kids?-HAHA ya right
Living Arrangement-ugh i live with my parents
Most admired trait-sense of humor
Number of Sexual Partners-0
Overnight Hospital Stays-none...well maybe when i was born i stayed the night...
Phobia-no phobias THANK GOD
Quote-Always look left when you know you're right.
Religion-I'm not religious at all in fact i hate bible thumpers, can't stand those people at all.
Siblings-a younger brother by 3 years
Time I wake up-8:23 am
Unusual talent/skill-HAHA i'm afraid i lack in both the talent and skill department!!
Vegetable I refuse to eat-Most of them, but mushrooms top my list i hate those fuckers.
Worst habit-i tend to over think a lot of that a habit?
X-rays-ya i've had a few never broken a bone though HOLLA...does a bone scan count as an xray?
Yummy foods I make-if its frozen and its yummy then i technically made it didn't i?
Zodiac sign-Aquarius

I am tagging:
1. Ur_Secksi
2. M
3. Roxy
4. VX
5. Sean

Friday, March 17, 2006

I Want to Know!!

When I drive to and from work everyday I take a side road so I can drive fast, plus the side roads are a lot prettier with much more to see. Anyway for the past two weeks I have seen the trees lining the road with two small buckets attached to them.

I have never seen this before. It made me think oh maybe they're maple trees and someone is trying to collect sap. but then i though wait you're a moron who would just put buckets on trees on the side of the road? I'm not even sure if those trees are maple trees, i'm thinking not.

but its driving me crazy i just HAVE to know what they're for. i've never EVER seen these before on these trees. I'm so close to stopping and looking. but there are houses around and how odd would that look PLUS what if the person who's buckets those are live right by where i'm looking? I don't know I JUST WANT TO KNOW!

The new chick starts on Monday. It makes me wonder where its going to leave me. I better not be just the young kid fresh out of school. I'll be pissed. and I really hope they offer me a salary that i find acceptable especially for the shitty project i've been working on practically a whole year now. Literally everyone i tell what i do says i have the worst job ever. I know i have the worst job but i don't need EVERYONE saying i have the worst job. people start complaining at lunch then they look at me and say least i don't have to do what you do THANKS ASSHOLE!! I'M WELL AWARE I SUCK!!

ok so...something positive now....OH i've made it to 26 minutes now. HOLLA!!! i'm still not satisfied with that OF COURSE. I'd like to make it to like 45 but i think that will take forever. plus i've been running for over a month and i've noticed no difference except that i can go longer and longer. FUCK that i need to lose inches here. i dont think that's going to happen. many many many summers i've played on two baseball teams and a soccer team and never really lost weight. wtf is that shit? and i never really was subbed off the soccer feild so that was playing for a full 45 minutes. ugh my body sucks...literally and metaphorically.

at least i can make it to 26 minutes????

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Its Official

If I accept a job offer after my internship is over then i'll be travelling to san francisco at the end of april. i'm not really looking forward to it at all. it means i'll have to go and buy clothes, shoes, and a PURSE. this sucks i've made it 22 years without a purse. i don't have a purse because i hate carrying things. that's what pockets are for, and if it can't fit in your pockets then you probably don't need to be bringing it everywhere with you. plus they're hella girly and that bothers me too since i'm so not.

the clothes and shoes thing sucks too because i hate shopping for clothes. it reminds me of just how big i am. i guess i don't mind shopping for shoes but i'm really picking and shoes have to fit a certain way as well as look a certain way. ok so after typing all that i seem like a really picky person. ught whatever that's the way i am. plus its a whole week and i'll miss my bed, i really love my bed.

AND i have a limited amount of time to get my passport since i don't have one. so that's great i've heard its a hassle to get one. so FUCK. but who knows they could offer me a shit salary and i'll have to decline. i'd like to think that if they offer me a salary under what i'm thinking that i'd say no...but would i? i really need the money to pay for my lovely school debt.

thought for the day is when they replace the stop signs at an intersection with traffic lights what do they do with the old stop signs? do they re-use them? do they just chuck them out? do they destroy them? and where the hell can a get a few?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Am I Missing Something?

On my way into the beginning of my subdivision I saw a house sporting those halloween pumpkin leaf garbage bags... is there some sort of halloween thing going on that i missed the memo on? I havn't seen them before so that means they were recently PUT THERE. maybe they don't realize that it is MARCH.

I don't think i'll get to do my exercising tonight. my brother is on march break and is having some of is loser friends over to have a LAN party. don't know what a LAN party is? LAN stands for local area network. its where you connect a bunch of computers together. and in this case they all play the same game together. loser'ish i know. i'm going to be pissed if they are here really late.

i'm really looking forward to him moving out to go to school. i don't think i'll miss him. i won't miss the internet always going out because he's using up all our alotted bandwidth downloading shit. i won't miss him being an asshole who thinks he knows everything and talks down to people. i won't miss him doing nothing around here. i will however miss having him around to do stuff with when i'm bored. i'll miss getting him drunk beating him at drinking games. i'll miss blaming shit i did on him. and most of all i'll miss him doing dishes so i don't have to. that's really going to suck i hate doing the dishes HARDCORE. but hey at least it would be one less person to do dishes for right?

I'm actually sitting here trying to find something to talk about. But i really don't have anything at all to talk about. writer's block on my life. work sucked today as usual, for some reason i was freezing the whole day. i had to keep going to the washroom and running hot water on my hands.

I think i might go up the street and visit the kids and get a few free drinks!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

20 MINS!!!!

YES I did it, I made it to 20mins and it didn't even kill me. I did like VX suggested. I varried my speeds, still maintaining the raised heartbeat. It allowed me to make 20 mins. And actually I could have gone longer but my legs would have given out.

But today I am a little sore I better not be building leg muscle i'll be so fucking pissed.

Speaking of SORE my left arm is KILLING ME. Yesterday I challenged my brother to game of air hockey. Yup you guessed it I WON! 31-26, what's sweet about it is that it was literally the first time i've played on our machine and i think we've had it for 2 years. He's played it with his friends tons of time. What's different though is that we played it with the lights off and a black light on. it was cool. the puck glows in the dark and so does the table a bit...he says that's why he lost...BULLSHIT, i'm just good and have cat like reflexes BITCH.

but seriously my arm is KILLING me. man it hurts so much. oh well that's worth it to kick his ass!!

I'm hiding out in my room right now because my mother mentioned she wanted help picking up dogshit in the backyard today. we have 3 dogs and over the winter it piles up. right now i'm cursing nature. why oh WHY did all the snow have to melt??????????? CURSES. I'll see how long i can last i really don't want to pick up shit, i worked in a boarding kennel for 4 years i've had my share of picking up shit. least our dogs are small.

I'm starting to get really hungry so i might have to suck it up and go upstairs for food.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Word of the Day

WOTD:Machiavellian (mak-ia-vel-ian) elaborately cunning; scheming; unscrupulous

Are you machiavellian? Do you want to be known as machiavellian? I am in fact I have it on my business card. People often ask me what it means, i just smile and say wouldn't you like to know. then i do this really creepy laugh and just walk away.

one time i introduced myself to someone by saying "hi my name is jane doe and i'm highly skilled in the machiavellian area, so watch your back." it was followed by a weird look, i turned and walked away. the rest of the night i coninually got strange looks from numerous people.I'm pretty sure no one knew what it meant. but i thought i'd play on it and started telling people it meant different things. one person i told them it meant that i design machines. no one even asked what machines they just nodded like they knew what i was talking about.

another person i said it means i have a phobia of macaroni. i said that i faint anytime i see just one piece of macaroni. the chick was so sad for me she even gasped. she gave me the number of a therapist...

another time i said it was what i majored in...they nodded in agreement. like they knew what the course was all about.

ok so none of that actually happend, how machiavellian of me!

today it was implied that i have to go to trade shows. i'm not really looking forward to it. yes you get to go to cities like las vegas, new york, boston, san francisco, san jose, but it means standing on concrete for 8 hours. i have a really bad lower back so that will be murder. i think i'm going to need to go shoe shopping too. one pair of shoes i wear frequently are not good for standing around for long periods of time. SHIT.

plus you're so dead tired from your whole day of talking to stupid people that you are not able to go and see the sights. plus seeing the sights costs money which i don't have! i know for sure we get money for food but i'm not sure what else. i'm not really looking forward to it. i'd rather spend the week at the office without my boss around. that would be sweet. maybe boring since i can't just walk up and ask her to give me something to do.

make sure you use machiavellian today!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

(insert great title here)

Ok so I'm excited about my new duvet cover. I found two amazing fabrics i plan on using. the one that will be on the underside which will be against my body is the softest most wonderful feeling fabric EVER. i can't wait to have it on meeeee!!!

wow i really have nothing to write about. you'd think after a weekend there would be loads of shit to write about.

actually i have come to a realization. in the past i've had a really hard time with the limited amount of time i've been able to have with my bestest friend. i used to get so pissed off and resentful. like i'd get really pissed...well most times not EVERY time but practically.

this weekend i thought about it and it really just does not bother me anymore. i mean she had a whole week off from school and i didn't get to see her once. normally that would chap my ass and i'd give her the silent treatment hard core. but it was like i didn't even notice. my life isn't that busy so its not like i forgot i just didn't care like i used to.

so i'm really happy about that....not happy that i never see her anymore but happy that it doesn't bother me. now i'll just focus my anger on someone/something else.

speaking of which i get so pissed off when you're waiting to turn and the oncoming car DOESN'T signal and you end up waiting for no reason because they slowed down to turn onto the road you were going to. i don't care if there's no one around and you don't feel like signalling. but when someone is fucking sitting in the middle of the road waiting for YOU to pass in order to turn FUCKING SIGNAL ASSHOLE!